Chapter III - First encounter

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Beam's POV

„You what?"

"Aaaaaaahrg" The loud, skeptical sounding voice behind me scares me so much that I squeak like a little kid.

Kit looks at me in amusement, then turns to the two figures behind the fence. "Please excuse my little chicken. He usually can control his voice quite well...but with eye candies like you, hmmmm..." Kit grins at the two young men in their training clothes and eyes them up and down.

Oh God, can it be more embarrassing? First, I freak out and then Kit flirts shamelessly with them and devours the slightly smaller one with his eyes.
Although Kit is a 4th-semester mathematics student, like me, he is, contrary to the prevailing view, a very open, communicative and extroverted person, taking every opportunity to meet new people. "So, how can we help you, sweeties?"

"With your name and your telephone number ?!"


Uuuuuuh. Based on the pain-distorted facial expression, the smack on the head must have been quite intense.

"Hoi Forth, thanks to you I have at least 30% fewer brain cells!"

"From the medical point of view, it is unlikely that a single hit on the back of your head will reduce your intelligence. Mathematically, it is more likely that the number of your brain cells will only decrease insignificantly. Declaring the loss with 30% seems not appropriate and is more likely to be associated with creating guilt feelings. This can also be supported by the fact that sneezing causes the death of a similar number of brain cells as a hit on the back of the head, and if you use this high percentage it would suggest that people become more stupid with every sneeze. "



I'm blinking. I really don't know what's so funny about my statement and the facts I presented. I click my tongue disapprovingly.

"Beam, you are really something." Kit giggles. "But good to know that this cutie pie has not suffered any serious damage." Kit winks at the so-called cutie pie, who responds with a 100 watts smile.

"Okaaaaayyyy, Ming stop it! So again, how could you score so easily? You don't look like as if you're playing basketball?" The taller one tilts his head and his almost black eyes pierce me in a very interrogative way.

Ming's POV

Oh, this guy is cute as hell. Copper brown colored hair, chocolate brown eyes, slim, petite body frame, pink pouty lips. And he has dimples. DIMPLES. I want to poke them so badly. When he asks us how they can help us, I just can't hold back "With your name and your phone number ?!"


My hasty mouth is immediately punished by Forth with a rather heavy smack on the back of my head. With a pain-grimaced face, I rub my hand over the painful spot on my head. "Hoi Forth, thanks to you I have at least 30% fewer brain cells!"

"From the medical point of view, it is unlikely that a single hit on the back of your head will reduce your intelligence. Mathematically, it is more likely that the number of your brain cells will only decrease insignificantly. Declaring the loss with 30% seems not appropriate and is more likely to be associated with creating guilt feelings. This can also be supported by the fact that sneezing causes the death of a similar number of brain cells as a hit on the back of the head, and if you use this high percentage it would suggest that people become more stupid with every sneeze. "

What the fuck! Is the milk face making fun of me? But there is no teasing in his voice or in his expression. He actually looks more like a teacher giving a lecture. My thoughts are interrupted by the loud laughter of my best friend and the sweet guy.

"Beam, you are really something." Giggles dimple-boy. "But good to know that this cutie pie has not suffered any serious damage." He winks at me and I can't help but reward him with my killer smile.

"Okaaaaayyyy, Ming stop it! So again, how could you score so easily? You don't look like as if you're playing basketball?" Forth ask the raven-haired teacher-guy called Beam with his piercing look.

Although I'm curious about the boy's answer, I can't tear my eyes away from the cute dimple-boy. "Name's Ming. 6th-semester Engineering student." „Kit, 4th-semester Mathematics and Computer Science student. How's your head?" "A kiss would make me forget the pain immediately." Kit's cheeks turn pink. Oh god, can this guy get any cuter? I grin and pinch his cheek through the wire-mesh fence.

"It does not require any specific skills or physical appearance to shoot a basketball in the basket. A quick analysis of the given parameters as well as the calculation of the missing ones is sufficient for this simple task."

"Analysis of parameters and calculation?"

"Of course! The shoot of a basketball is the superposition of two movements – projectile motion. The basketball motion is divided into two components in the y and x directions, which is why the equation of motion must be changed. If you now consider the relationship between discharge speed and discharge angle, the result is an optimum discharge angle of 52 ° with a minimum discharge speed of 7.8 m / s. See, you just need a simple calculation for such a free throw, you IDIOT."

I turn around. Did that Beam guy call Forth an idiot?

"I guess, I answered your question, so I'll take my leave. Kit, let's go home, I'm hungry." With these words, Beam turns away, grabs Kit's hand and marches towards the dormitories.

I look at Forth "Uh...idiot...Did he just declare that he can calculate projectile motion in his head without a device?"

"I guess so... did he just call me an idiot?"

- - - - - - TBC- - - - - -

And here it is: the third chapter. Slow progress I know but I don't want to rush things 😉

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