Chapters 1 and 2

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Chapter 1: death in the Family

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

You had just woken up from about the longest night of sleep you had in a long time which was four hours. As you hit the alarm on your phone off and you went over the things you needed to do that day. The day before, you had just salted and burned the corpse of a high school bully in Sioux Falls, that was continuing to wreak havoc on nerds.

You opened your laptop and realized that you had an email from Bobby, an old family friend and fellow hunter. He was one of the best to be exact. It read:

(Y/N), I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your old man made a deal with a demon, and is no longer with us. The funeral is in three days in Lawrence, Kansas. I'll tell you more then.

Much Love, Bobby

Your dad, John Winchester, was by far no where close to being dad of the year, but he had taught you how to hunt, had helped raise you when he was in town until you turned fifteen, and left you to hunt on your own. You weren't very close to him, but realized that you really should go because he was your father and he was all you had. You had lived with your mother your entire life until she was in a car wreck and eventually died not long after your fifteenth birthday. That's when you realized you wanted to be a full time hunter.

You packed a duffel bag, being a hunter you never really had much anyway, and checked out of your motel. You clicked the faub of your red convertible Ford Mustang to unlock it. You threw your bags in the back and hopped into the driver's seat. You turned the radio to a good country station because the classic rock that your father always played wasn't your favorite. Your favorite song, "American Kids" by Kenny Chesney came on, and you sang along as you headed to Lawrence.

Lawrence was a two day drive from Sioux Falls, so you stayed in two cheap motels along the way, but finally made it. You checked into a motel in Lawrence only ten minutes away from the address that Bobby had sent you. You figured you could have a low-key night there before the funeral in the morning. As your father was a hunter, you figured he would be given a hunter's wake which meant his body would be burned to prevent the possibility of him coming back as a vengeful spirit.

Chapter 2: The Funeral

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

The next morning you awoke to your phone blaring "Heat of the Moment" by Asia, your programmed alarm on your phone. The clock said that it was six in the morning, so you threw on a black tank top, a brand new pair of jeans, a blue flannel, and your favorite pair of brown work boots to get ready for the funeral in a couple of hours. You had decided that it would be a good idea to get there an hour or so early so that you could meet the guests. When you arrived at the wake, you easily saw Bobby's consoling face among the other guests. He quickly found you, and pulled you into a hug

"Hey Bobby, how's it been?"

"I'm fine (Y/N), but there are some people that I want you to meet."

"Shoot," you said sarcastically, so Bobby gestured toward a black 1967 Chevy Impala.

Two guys got out of the Impala. The first one got out of the driver's seat. He seemed to be around twenty years older than you, although you were only eighteen. He had light brown, chestnut hair and bright, sparkling green eyes. He was shorter than the other man, but still tall for his age. The other man was super tall with longer, shaggy brown hair and auburn eyes. He seemed to be around four years younger than the other man. By the way they dressed and the fact that Bobby wanted you to meet them, you assumed that they were both hunters.

"Hey I'm Dean and this is my brother Sam," the shorter of the two said.

"Hey I'm (Y/N). John Winchester's daughter."

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now