Chapters 4, 5, and 6

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Chapter 4: The Bunker

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

You arrived at the address that Sam had sent to you. The bunker was literally a hole in the ground. The was a set of concrete steps that descended into the ground, leading to a heavy duty steel door. You knocked and you were greeted by Sam and Dean's smiling faces. You walked in and realized that you were on an overlook, looking down on a room with an antique wooden table, lots of bookshelves, and a giant map. The only way to get down there was a set of black, metal, spiral stairs. When you walked down the spiral stairs, you were in awe of the space around you. There were so many rooms including an extensive library solely based on the supernatural, a kitchen, at least ten bedrooms, multiple bathrooms, a dungeon, and a garage filled with super cool old cars. But with all this, the one thing that caught your eye the most was a very peculiar man standing at the foot of the very large table. He was wearing a tan trench coat, black pants, a white shirt, and a navy blue tie. He had very dark hair, glistening blue eyes, and was shorter than Dean was. You assumed they were "a thing" because of the way that they looked at other. Even though it was the first time you had seen him, you knew that he and Dean liked each other. You weren't that oblivious.

" Oh (Y/N), this is Cas, short for Castiel. He's an angel and is a part of the family, cause family don't end in blood," Dean explained.

"Cool," you said as you walked to the end of the table to greet him, "Hi Cas, I'm (Y/N) apparently the Winchester's long lost sister," you joked.

"So I've heard."

Cas stared at the ground and decided that your meeting had become awkward because no one was speaking and left to go to his room.

Chapter 5: The Angel

Cas's P.O.V.

It was around midnight when Dean called me to tell what I had presumed to be was that he was on his way home with Sam and that they had lost track of time at a bar. I hadn't gone with them because John didn't like me very much although I didn't know why. He said that it was something about no son of his would end up not being straight, but I didn't understand that reference because all humans are made standing straight. Anyway, I figured John wouldn't want me at his wake, so I stayed at the bunker with Jack. The phone call from Dean ended up being about the boys finding out that they had a younger sister, and that she was coming to stay at the bunker. I didn't know how this had come to be because Chuck had put me in charge of keeping track of every Winchester in the universe, so i don't understand how I missed one, but I believed Dean anyway. When the girl arrived she introduced herself as (Y/N) which I thought was a very pretty name. She seemed very young though, and I felt that talking to her would be very awkward so I went to my room. I realized that her room was going to be in between Jack's room and my room which made me think of when they might introduce her to Jack. I guess they will probably wait until the morning; the girl had enough crazy in one day. I thought that her and Jack were very similar and thought that she might be a good friend for him, especially being the same age as he was. He really needed a friend with Dean putting all those thoughts in his mind about him being a monster. I love Dean, but one thing that he has never understood was my reasoning for going against his wishes. I always had a good reason.

Chapter 6: Rooms

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

As Cas headed to his room, you, Sam, and Dean all headed to the "living room" which was basically just a room with a T.V. and a couch. Both of your brothers sat down on the two person couch and while deciding where to sit, you just instinctively laid across both of their laps, triggering a chuckle from Sam. The three of you decided to watch Sherlock on Netflix, it had always been your favorite show growing up because he got to solve crimes without having to deal with all the evil things that go bump in the night. After one episode, you were nearly asleep, so you decided that it was time to ask them the question you had wanted to at the bar.

"So umm I was wondering why umm Dad made a deal because Bobby said that that's what happened to him." Both of your brothers' faces dropped, but Dean looked the most upset.

"He did it to save me. I was dying," he said bluntly.

"Oh, well umm I guess I'll head to bed now. Where is it that I'm sleeping at?"

"I'll show you to your room," Sam answered, leaving Dean alone.

He walked down the hall containing the ten bedrooms and pointed to the one in the middle on the left side of the hall.

"This one is yours. Jack is on your left and Cas is on your right. My room is straight across the hall and Dean is to the right of that. I'll see you in the morning (Y/N), goodnight sis."

"Goodnight Sammy," you said earning a frown from the younger Winchester brother.

You smiled at him and hugged him goodnight. He had mentioned someone named Jack having the room to the left of yours. This made you very curious because you had never met him. Your curiosity got the better of you and instead of going to bed, you went to knock on his door.

"Who is it?"

"My name's (Y/N). I'm Sam and Dean's sister. Are you Jack?"

"Yes. I didn't know they had a sister," he said, adding a, "Come in."

"Well I uh I just wanted to say hi," you said and walked back to your room.

Jack was about your age with gorgeous dirty blonde hair with bangs that swept over his forehead perfectly. He had beautiful brown eyes, and the second you looked at him, your heart jumped. You secretly hoped he was single because you had never felt like this before, even though you had just met him. You knew you couldn't just impose on Sam and Dean's friends while you were their guest, so you figured that it was best not to do anything about it.

Author's Note:

I know these are super short, but I promise they do get longer and better. I'm writing them separately and having friends peer edit them before they are published, so I do have many more chapters already written and ready to publish.

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now