Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Powers

Jack's P.O.V.

I had just finished listening to Sam's plan to summon Hope when Bobby asked to talk to me in private. I started to get nervous because I thought he was going to yell at me like Dean did. He started to look concerned probably because I was looking at him like Sam when he saw a clown.

"So Jack, I heard that you were dating (Y/N). Is that true?"

"Yeah it is," I said relieved that he wasn't about to chew my head off.

"She's like a daughter to me, so I would like to get to know you a little more to see what you're like."

"What do you want to know?"

"Is she ok? I mean how did her father's death affect her? She doesn't seem too upset about it and it happened only a month ago."

"She's seems to be doing fine, Bobby. I can tell you that she is the best thing to ever happen to me and I promise to protect her no matter what. I would trade my life for hers."

"Thank you for taking care of her, boy. If you don't mind me saying this, you're nothing like that idjit of a father you have."

"That really means a lot. It's just that I have to be evil don't I? Dean thinks I am and so do so many other people. I'm bound to turn out like my father, so I don't know if I actually deserve (Y/N)."

"Come on ya idjit, I couldn't imagine anyone more perfect for that girl than you are," and with that comment the old drunk walked back into the kitchen to talk to Dean.

Suddenly, a thousand voices all at once entered my head and I could feel my powers starting to go out of control. I knew that something must've happened to make the angels start using angel radio again. It had been silent since my last episode. I saw (Y/N) start to run towards me as my eyes glowed yellow and I brought my hands to my head to stop the pain.

"Jack! Jack! It's ok I'm here! I can help!" I could feel her softly grab me and pull me into a warm hug.

"No, (Y/N), you need to get away from me! I don't want to hurt you!" I screamed as loud as I could so that she knew to leave, but she refused. I could see that Sam, Dean, Cas, and Bobby were now gathered around me as well.

"I can't leave you, Jack!"

"(Y/N), now!" as I said that the pain became too great and I finally lost all control of my powers, throwing all five of them across the hallway and into the kitchen.

(Y/N) was injured the most; I knew because she was still hugging me while my powers went off. In a yellow surge, I had hurt everyone I cared about and that cared about me. I could feel the tears start to run down my face as I sprinted to where she was. She had been thrown into the kitchen table, hitting the back of her head. I saw that bright red blood was trickling down her head, dying her hair a pinkish tint. I placed two of my fingers to her forehead to try and heal her, but my powers still weren't working correctly and my ability to heal faded as her unconscious body lay in front of me. I saw that Cas was now waking up and I hoped that he would be able to heal her, but knew that he was also injured, and probably wouldn't be able to. All I could think about was how mad Dean would be.

Cas finally stood up and made his way to (Y/N) and me. He also placed two of his fingers on her forehead in an effort to heal her, but the blast had taken too much out of him and he was unable to.

"I'm sorry Jack. I can't heal right now either. We are going to have to get all of them to their beds, so that they can rest and heal. I guess the witch will have to wait."

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now