Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Dayton

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Three more hours of driving had passed since your conversation with Jack. Since then you had helped him create a snapchat account, talked about random goals and aspirations you both had, and you told stories from your childhood; Jack listened because he was only born a few months ago and didn't have any stories of his own. You only had another hour left to drive and to talk to Jack. You had assumed that the last hour would be pretty quiet. Both of you were tired and ready to find a motel for lunch. You hadn't expected to hear Jack speak up.

"So (Y/N), are we dating now? I read the term on the internet."

"Well that depends. Do you want us to be dating?"


"Then I guess we are, but that would imply that we went out on an actual date first. I guess for now we can just be together."


"Yeah Jack?"

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I do, Jack!"

The rest of the ride was spent in silence until I heard a soft ping on my phone. It was from Sam: Hey sis! Dean, Cas, and I are going to pull into Buckeye Motel for the time being. It's about 30 min from here. Have a nice car ride. P.S. Has Jack asked you out yet?

You: Yes you big moose not that it's any of your business

Sam: Of course it is have fun and Dean says to keep it PG

You: Ok see you in 30

You wondered how Sam had known about you and Jack, but I didn't matter. You smiled as you looked into the blue sky ahead of you and thought about everything that had gone right in you life over the past week or so. After thirty minutes had gone by, you pulled into Buckeye Motel. As you went to get out of the car, Jack put his arm on your shoulder and said, "No, stay." You were confused, but trusted him. He hopped out of Angel and over to your door, and opened it. The adorable angel held out his hand for you to hold and closed the car door. The two of you walked over to the impala hand in hand.

"Well I assume that you two want a room, but it's gonna be a double." Dean said.

"Really Dean, wow, that's amazing. Thanks so much."

"Yeah I figured you two would be in the other one's room talking anyway or talking on your phones, so this just cuts out the middleman."

"Thanks again, Dean, can you go check us in?"

"Yeah, sure. Cas and Sam are bunking with me."

"Yeah ok"

Dean checked the five of you into the Buckeye Motel and gave you and Jack your room key. You were very excited to spend the rest of the afternoon talking to Jack. Dean had decided that the guys would do research for the rest of the day, and you would start hunting tomorrow, so you and Jack had the evening to yourselves.

-----Timeskip to 12:30 p.m.-----

"Hey Jack, I'm starving. How about we go get some lunch?"

"Yeah sure. Where should we go?"

"I think we passed a Skyline on the way here. How about we try that?"

"Yeah sure that sounds good."

"We can make it our first date."

"That would be amazing (Y/N)."

Then let's go."

You and Jack headed to Angel and started driving to Skyline. When you got there, the waitress asked for your orders, so you asked for two cheese coneys and a water for both you and Jack. When the food came, you both decided to try the coneys at the same time. You counted to three and both of you took a bite. Jack burst out laughing causing you to join him. You both polished off the rest of your delicious meal and payed using a fake credit card under the name "Luna Granger". You decided not to tell Sam, Dean, or Cas about your trip otherwise they would be mad that you didn't bring them back any of the Cincinnati chili. When you arrived back at the motel, Jack sat down on his bed and grabbed his laptop to watch Netflix. You sat down next to him and laid your head on his shoulder and both of you watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi together.

Cas's P.O.V.

The five of us had been in Dayton for a couple of hours and I hadn't heard from Jack in awhile, so I went into his shared room with (Y/N) only to find that they weren't there. I decided not to panic and to try and sense them instead. I figured out that they had gone to somewhere called Skyline only a few miles up the road, so I left their room and went back to mine which I shared with Sam and Dean. When I had heard footsteps in the room next door, I realized that Jack and (Y/N) had returned. I hadn't yet decided how I felt about (Y/N). She seemed nice and definitely cared about Jack, but I didn't know her very well. She had only met us a few days ago because she was supposedly John Winchester's daughter. What if she was lying and was actually a demon trying to work herself into Sam and Dean's hearts so that she can manipulate them, like Ruby. I didn't think she was a demon, but I was sure that the boys didn't run any tests on their sister. I decided to check up on her and Jack to see what they were up to, especially since they had a whole day to themselves. I transported myself into their room only to find Jack sitting on his bed, holding a laptop and (Y/N) laying next him with her head on his shoulder.They seemed to be watching some sort of movie.

"Hi uh Jack and uh (Y/N). How's your day been?"

"It was good." Jack answered without really paying attention to Cas at all.

"Yeah it was pretty great. How about you, Cas?" (Y/N) replied to the original question.

"I've just been researching the suspected spirit with Sam and Dean. apparently he was cremated, so we're trying to figure out what is still tying his spirit to earth. They think we may go out to question some of his friends in about an hour, so the two of you may want to get ready."

"OK thanks Cas, we will. Are we going as F.B.I. in training or something else?" you asked. The boys had told you that they made fake badges for F.B.I. agents in training for hunts since you were so young, and this was you first hunt with them.

"Yes, you will use F.B.I. pretenses."

"Thanks Cas"

I walked back into the Winchester's room and gave them the news that I let Jack and (Y/N) know that we were leaving in an hour. Dean looked at me very concerned and I couldn't figure out why. He looked up from his research and started to say something, but then shook his head as if he changed his mind. Then he looked up again and starting to talk.

"Hey umm Cas, buddy, what were (Y/N) and jack doing when you went in there?"

"They were just laying in bed watching a movie."

"The same bed?"

"Yes, but they were just watching a movie. Dean, you still don't support their relationship even though you told them you did, do you?"

"Cas, I'm really trying because Jack really cares about her, but I can't shake the thought that he's still lucifer's son and might end up hurting her."

"I understand Dean, but (Y/N) is an adult, and you need to be able to support your sister's decisions, but that doesn't mean you need to stop protecting her. She will always need your protection. You're her big brother, Dean. She needs you."

"Thanks Cas, you're the best man."

"I will always be here for you and the rest of this family, Dean. The world needs every Winchester it can get."

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now