Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: A Modest Proposal

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

*music* 'I never thought I'd be so bad to you' *music* You awoke to your phone blaring the popular song by Asia. You turned to your clock to see that it was eleven a.m. and realized that you had slept for nine hours. Quickly, you hopped out of bed and took a warm shower and changed into a nice violet tank top, your favorite blue flannel, and a brand new pair of dark blue boyfriend jeans. You left the flannel open, showing the tank top. You walked out of your room and immediately smelled waffles and sausage. When you reached the kitchen, you saw that Dean had made breakfast and that everyone else was already dressed and eating. As they heard you come in, all of them looked at you, but Jack was the only one to get up.

The nephilim walked over to you and picked you up bridal style until he reached your seat at the table, next to his, and set you down in it after giving you a quick kiss on the forehead. You smiled at his touch and greedily ate the waffles and sausage that had been set in front of you by Dean.

"Not to complain, but what's all this about?" you asked a little confused at the special treatment.

"Well we figured that you needed some special treatment after finding out that your great grandmother was an evil witch who tried to have you kill your whole family to also become an evil witch," Sam said with a hint of amusement in his tone.

"Well thanks guys. This is amazing. I love all of you and I want you to know that no matter what her spirit would've done to me, I never would've killed any of you. I rather die."

"Thanks sis, that means a lot, but I think we're gonna give you some alone time with Jack now, he was very concerned. The poor kid could barely sleep," Dean chuckled as he, Sam, Cas, and Bobby put their dishes in the sink and walked out.

You looked at Jack curiously, who had now turned his chair to face you. He was staring at you with so much love in his eyes that you thought his heart might explode. He grabbed your hands in his and started to speak.

"(Y/N), baby, I love you so, so, much. When Dean told us about Hope and how you were part witch, all I wanted to do was be there with you and comfort you, but I figured that you probably wanted to be alone, so I didn't. It gave me a lot of time to think about us and how much I love you," you smiled, a little confused, but nodded at him to keep going.

"I realized that I never want to live in this world without you and that I'm not sure I could and that's why.." Jack dropped down onto one knee and continued his speech.

"That's why I want you to marry me. (Y/N), will you be my wife? I know it's a lot to take in and I realize we are both very young, so we can wait a couple years and I asked Sam and Dean first and they said it's ok as long as we stay in the bunker and oh yeah I have a ring."

You saw him pull a velvety black box out of his jacket pocket and couldn't help the huge smile that was forming on your face. He reluctantly opened it and you saw the most gorgeous ring that you had ever laid eyes on. It had a shining silver band with a heart shaped diamond in the center and a small sapphire on each side of it. You felt yourself start to cry and smiled at him.

"Jack, chill. You don't need to freak out or convince me because I love you more than I'd like to admit and I would be so, so happy to marry you!"

Jack smiled back at you as he took the ring out of the box and slipped it on your finger. You pulled him up off the ground by his hands that were still latched in yours and pulled him in close to your body. You stood up on your toes and pulled his head down close to yours. As you slowly closed your eyes, you felt his soft lips against yours. Both of you smiled into the kiss as Jack slowly dipped you without ever breaking contact. When he pulled you up, and you broke away for air, you realized that Sam, Dean, Cas, and Bobby were all standing in the hallway clapping, Dean holding a case of beer. You laughed at your brothers and grabbed a beer from Dean, not even thinking twice about being underage.

That night you and the rest of Team Free Will 3.0 got completely trashed celebrating your engagement to the spawn of satan. Within a few hours of drinking you were sprawled out in Sam's lap, who had passed out from all the shots he took but not before calling Dean bossy and you short, finger combing his hair, mumbling about how soft and long it was. Jack was obviously jealous because he was sitting on the opposite end of the room staring at you with his arms crossed, throwing erasers at Sam's head with his mind, but because he was so drunk none of the erasers made it anywhere close to Sam. Dean and Cas were slow dancing to "Ready for Love" in the middle of the living room, laughing every time one of them started to fall. Bobby, being a practiced alcoholic, was just sitting on the couch staring at all of you and trying not to slap everyone for being so ridiculous. All of you knew that you would regret it in the morning, but none of you cared because at least one Winchester was going to find love.

A/N: I hope you guys like this part. There's definitely more to come and I'm so excited for you to read it. I don't know how long this is going to be or if I'll leave it open for a sequel or not, but I do know that there is at least 25 chapters minimum. Please comment any ideas or suggestions you may have. It's always appreciated! Also 1K readers! That's unbelievable! Thank you guys so much!

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now