Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Bobby's Opinions

-----Timeskip to 5:00 p.m.-----

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

You arrived at the bunker, elated to see Bobby's blue pickup was there. You were super excited to see him again and to finally work a case with your basically adoptive father. You ran inside leaving the boys and your stuff behind. You saw Bobby with sitting at the dining room table with a bottle of beer in his hand. He looked up when he heard footsteps above the staircase and smiled when he saw that it was you. You practically flew down the staircase to embrace him and a huge hug.

"Bobby I'm so glad you're here!

"It's nice to see you too, (Y/N)!"

You saw Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack walk down the stairs, all of them carrying a duffel bag which made you realize that you left yours in the car. You went to go back to get it when you saw that Dean was carrying it for you. You walked over to your brother and took your bag from his hand, then hugged him for his gesture. Dean was one of the best huggers you knew. Everytime he hugged someone, it was as if it was the last time he would see them, pulling them tight to his chest. After letting go, you asked Sam if you could show Bobby to his room which would be next to Sam's and across from Jack's. The moose of a man nodded his head in agreement.

Bobby's P.O.V

(Y/N) had decide that she wanted to show me to my room which was super sweet. Even though she wasn't my biological daughter, i had always thought of her as if she were. John was never around in her life, so she was always with her mother, who knew nothing of the things that go bump in the night and who John really was. But even when John would occasionally pick her up to take her on a hunt, he would usually leave her at my house while he did the dirty work as long as Sam and Dean weren't there because he didn't want them to know about his daughter. Even now that she was eighteen and as I heard from Dean, dating Lucifer's son, she still seemed to be the little girl that ran around my house screaming, "Uncle Bobby, I bet you can't catch me!" in my eyes.

We walked down the long hallways of the bunker until she finally stopped in front of a bare room with only a bed and dresser in it.

"This is your room Bobby. Sam is next to you and Jack is across the hall. My room is in the middle on the other side with Cas's room to the left of mine and Dean's across from his."

"Thanks ya idjit," I replied, bringing the girl into a hug.She turned and walked into her room and could see the four men walking down the hallways with their bags in their hands, presumably heading to their rooms as well. I settled down in my room, eventually falling asleep.

-----Timeskip to 7 a.m.-----

I woke up to Dean shuffling along the hallway, obviously on his way to the kitchen for coffee. I got up and headed there myself to talk strategy on how to stop Hope. When I made my way to the kitchen I saw that everyone else was already in there gulping down coffee to stay awake: most of them were probably researching all night.

"So what's the strategy on the witch?"

"We are going to use a witch summoning spell that we found in this old lore book and bind her powers, so that we can interrogate her and find out why she is doing this, what she wants, and how we can release that spirit from her so that his remains or cursed object can be salted and burned," Sam replied as if it were the most logical explanation ever.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's call this idjit!"

"Two salty hunters, one half angel kid, an obsessive teenager, one old drunk, and a dude that just came back from the dead... again. Team Free Will 3.0, what could go wrong?" Dean said sarcastically. The Winchesters grabbed some of the ingredients that they needed for the spell as I pulled Jack off to the side because I wanted to talk to him. The poor boy looked frightened to death when I asked him if he could speak in private. It was as if he thought he had disappointed me, and was hoping to gain back my approval.

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now