Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Drunk Winchesters

Dean's P.O.V.

-----timeskip to 1 p.m. the next day-----

I woke up after a long night of celebration with a blistering headache. I could hear coughing and vomiting coming from the bathroom along with a toilet flushing and realized that we had allowed two minors to get drunk last night and that they probably couldn't hold their liquor. I walked into the bathroom to grab some advil for my headache when I saw (Y/N) kneeling on the floor, leaning over the toilet, and Jack holding back her hair and rubbing her back. After I took about four advil I tossed him some antacids to give to (Y/N) when she was done. He smiled at me, but I could tell from the look on his face that he also felt sick and (Y/N) wasn't helping him at all, but he wasn't going to say anything. When I walked into the kitchen, Sam, Cas, and Bobby were sitting at the table, each with a giant mug of coffee and holding their heads.

"(Y/N)'s in the bathroom hacking up her guts and Jack's in there with her. I guess it wasn't very smart to get two teenagers drunk," I said to basically anyone willing to listen.

"Yeah, I got that from the vomiting noises and the 'it's ok (Y/N), I'm here' coming from the bathroom," Sam replied.

"Yeah ok smartass."

"Not to interrupt you two idjit's conversation, but what are we gonna do with the witch's body?" Bobby questioned.

"I don't know, but I'm way too hungover to do anything now. I can't believe I actually got drunk last night," I answered.

"Yeah I thought alcohol was like some sort of vitamin for you by now," Sam commented.



Just then (Y/N) walked in wearing a tanktop and pajama shorts with a messy bun on top of her head that Jack had obviously done because it was very messy and falling all over. Jack walked beside her with his hand on her lower back to help her keep balance. Her face was deathly pale and she looked like she was going to fall over at any second. Jack didn't look nearly as bad, just like he was a little nauseous, but nothing that was extreme for a normal hangover.

"Hey guys, do you know any hangover cures?" (Y/N) asked.

"Oh yeah this one always works, especially for Sammy," I replied.

"Thanks, what is it?"

"A greasy pork sandwich on a dirty ashtray."

(Y/N)'s face immediately turned green and she turned and ran to bathroom, but didn't quite make it before she got sick in the hallway. I knew it was really mean, but I couldn't resist, especially since it was her first hangover. I had said the same thing to Sammy when he got drunk a little while after we had been hunting together for a year, and I wouldn't be a good big brother if I didn't do the same thing to her. I saw Sam's eyes start to glare at me and knew that he remembered when I said the same thing to him at the inn in Connecticut.

"I hate you, Dean Winchester," I heard come from down the hallway.

"Yeah thanks Dean, now I have to clean this up," Jack followed up.

"No problem man, everyone's got to clean up their fiance's vomit at some point!" I chuckled.

Cas grabbed a roll of paper towels and followed Jack down the hallway. I saw Sam and Bobby roll their eyes at me and I couldn't help but laugh as I started to fry up some bacon. I knew it probably wasn't the best thing to make while everyone in the entire bunker had a hangover, but I really wanted some bacon. As long as (Y/N) wasn't near the kitchen, it should be ok. That girl really can't hold her liquor; it was hard to believe she was a Winchester.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

After Dean so generously decided to get you sick again after you had been on the bathroom floor for about two hours, you decided to take a shower. It gave you the chance to think about your wedding which you hadn't given much thought since Jack's proposal. You thought about everything he had said the day before, trying to recall back to the hazy memory. You could remember him saying something about staying in the bunker which was fine by you. You were more than happy to stay and hunt with your brothers. He had said something about waiting a few years, which you didn't want to do, but realized was probably for the best given that you were only eighteen. Although, your birthday was in a week, but you hadn't told anyone that yet because you didn't want them to freak and do something big.

You also had a few ideas for your wedding. You wanted to drive to your honeymoon in Angel, but you knew that you would probably have to teach Jack to drive first. You also wanted the wedding to take place in the bunker's illustrious main room with the map; you loved the bunker and it symbolized having a complete family in your life for once. You were trying to decide who you wanted as your maid of honor and bridesmaids and realized that all of your friends were guys, so you decided you would talk to Jack about it, along with the rest of the wedding after you got out of the shower.

When you were finished showering, you wrapped yourself in a towel and went to your room to change. You still didn't feel very good, so you just threw on a pair of sweatpants and a tanktop and walked into the hall barefoot. When you made it to the kitchen where the boys were, you saw all of them smiling up at you and Sam handed you a cup of coffee. You sat down next to Jack with your back leaning against his side and your legs were across Sam's lap. You started talking to Jack, although you never turned around to face him.

"Hey, Jack, we need to talk about the wedding," his face was overcome with worry before he answered, "Umm, ok princess, what about it?"

"So I was thinking first we need to pick a date. I'll be nineteen in a week and I'm not sure you really count because you're technically only a year old, so I was thinking maybe when I was twenty. It would give us a little over a year. Second, I want to be able to drive to our honeymoon in my Mustang. It's the only thing I have left from my old life, but I don't really want to do all the driving, so I guess I'll have to teach you."

"(Y/N), that all sounds great, but when were you planning on telling us about your birthday?"

"Umm eventually. So, what about a place? I kind of wanted to have it here if that's ok with bitch and jerk over there. Also, Jack, I'm freaking out. I have no one to be bridesmaids. All of my friends are guys and I just want everything to be perfect. You deserve that. You're wedding should be perfect. You've tried so hard to be good and you've done so well," you were almost in tears from all the stress.

"Hey, hey, (Y/N), relax. Those are a lot of details that we can figure out later," he had turned you around so that you were now sitting on his lap and he was rubbing your back, "The wedding will be perfect for the soul fact that you will be there standing on the altar with me. I don't care where it is or who's there as long as you're happy. I love you so much, and you have helped me through so much. You don't know how many times I wanted to grab a knife and stab myself a million times again because I don't know what I am or am supposed to be, but everytime I think about you and it stops me."

You were now staring up at Jack, holding on to him as best you could to make sure that he wouldn't leave. The rest of the guys were staring at the two of you with their mouths open in surprise. Nobody had known that about Jack. Everyone thought that once Dean had started to except him, that he was ok, but apparently that wasn't true. You never wanted to leave Jack alone again. You sat on his lap, crying into his shirt because you couldn't help but think what would happen if Jack had continued to stab himself, although you knew it couldn't kill him.

"Umm Why don't we give them some privacy," you heard Cas suggest.

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now