Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The Nephilim

Jack's P.O.V.

I had been sitting in my room all night thinking about my mother and how I could prove to Dean that I was good like she believed that I was. The only person that bothered to come in was Castiel to say goodnight. Sam and Dean hadn't been home all day because they were at their father's wake, but they should have been home hours ago, so I guessed that they were out drinking. Almost two hours after Castiel came in, a strange girl who I had never seen before knocked on my door, so I said that she could come in. She seemed to be around my age and was absolutely beautiful. Her (y/h/l), (y/h/c) was stunning and her (y/e/c) sparkled like the stars. She said her name was (Y/N) and that she was Sam and Dean's sister, although I didn't know they had a sister. She said that she just wanted to say hi, so she did, and then left. When she talked, a feeling coursed through me that I couldn't explain. I think Castiel once called it love, but I'm not sure. Being that I was technically only a few weeks old, I didn't really understand feelings, and Castiel wasn't the best person to try and teach me to be human because he wasn't human, but Dean hates me and can't even look at me, and Sam is just busy trying to stop Dean from doing something irrational. I think (Y/N) will be good for them. I think she can help them.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

*music* "Heat of the Moment" *music*

"Ah shut up," you mumbled as you slapped your phone's alarm. You got up, changed your clothes and walked to the kitchen, feeling particularly happy for it being the day after your father's funeral. Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack were already up, and Dean handed you a steaming cup of coffee to start your day. You smiled at him as to say thanks, and sat down next to Jack.

"Oh yeah, (Y/N), this is Jack. He's a nephilim and the son of Lucifer and I need you to stay away from him because he is evil, just like his father. Do you hear that Jack? If you hurt my little sis in any way I will kill you. Do you understand?" you heard Dean's voice say.

"Yeah I get it," Jack replied scaredly.

You whispered to Jack asking if you could talk in private. He smiled and nodded and followed you to your room. You sat down on the hard mattress and Jack stood awkwardly in the doorway. You patted the mattress to let the nephilim know that he could sit next to you. You wanted to get to know him better; he could turn out to be a great friend no matter what Dean says. You couldn't see any hint of bad in this boy. He seemed innocent and friendly.

Sam's P.O.V.

(Y/N) came to breakfast after the rest of us and sat down next to Jack. I figured that after I mentioned his name last night, she probably went to introduce herself. Dean went off on a rant about how Jack needs to leave her alone and that if he ever hurts her, he'll kill him. I wasn't really paying attention because Dean has a completely skewed view of Jack. Dean thinks the only reason I keep him around is to be an "inner-dimensional can opener" or something, but that's completely not true. I truly care about Jack and honestly think that he would make a perfect match for (Y/N) by what I know about her so far. I noticed that (Y/N) and Jack had both gone to (Y/N)'s room, but I don't think either Dean or Cas had noticed, they were too busy staring at each other than looking away and blushing when the other one noticed. Suddenly I heard Jack screaming in pain and (Y/N) crying. Dean, Cas, and I all ran to her room to see what was happening. I could see the anger on Dean's face from hearing (Y/N). I could tell that he felt like he needed to protect her. When we got to her room we heard Jack scream, "No, I can't hurt her!" ten times louder than he was screaming before. His eyes were flashing yellow like when he uses his powers, and he had a death grip on his head. I figured it was probably angel radio again, and it seemed like he was going to extra lengths as to make sure not to accidentally use his powers and hurt (Y/N). I could see the anger on Dean's face just turn to concern. Dean, Cas, and I took our little sister into the hallway and explained what was going on. Her tears flowed even more than they did before when she heard that he was putting himself through so much more pain, just to keep her safe. Jack finally stopped screaming and (Y/N) ran into the room faster than Dean with ghost disease when the cat jumped out of the locker.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

You were talking to Jack in your room when all of a sudden he started screaming and clutching his head. You could feel warm tears streaming down your face. By the time you looked up Sam, Dean, and Cas were standing by your side with concern written on their faces. The next thing you heard was jack screaming bloody murder, "No I can't hurt her!" Your tears came more easily now. The guys took you into the hallway and explained that angel radio did this to him, but for some reason he was putting himself through even more pain to stop his powers from acting up and hurting you. Jack finally stopped screaming and ran into your room, elated that he wasn't in any more pain. You pulled the boy into the most loving hug you had ever given. You let go and saw that he was confused.

"Thank you," you whispered.

"I-I didn't want to hurt you. I had to make sure that I didn't hurt you"

"Thank you," you whispered again.

All five of you walked into the kitchen to research a case, although you were pretty sure that Dean wasn't going to let Jack come.

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now