Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: The Breakdown

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

-----timeskip to 6:30 the next morning-----

You slowly awoke to the sound of Dean's voice saying, "come on, sweetheart, you gotta get up. Jack might be in trouble, so we have to go. We know when and where they are going to make their next move, so you need to get packed and ready," he whispered while shaking you slightly.

"Deaaaaaaaannnnnnnn...." you groaned.

"C'mon, (Y/N), we have to get Jack to safety," he said, much more urgent this time.

"Wait, what's wrong with Jack?" you asked, just now understanding what your brother had said before.

"We'll talk about it in the car, but we have to leave in 30, so be ready. And (Y/N)?"


"Jack really needs your support right now. He's kind of upset about this."

"I have always and will always support Jack. He is the love of my life, and I would do anything to save him," you said with so much passion that it hurt.

Dean merely nodded and walked out of your room so that you could get dressed. You were now super worried about Jack, and wondered what could possibly be endangering him so much that even the bunker wasn't safe anymore. When you agreed to stay with your brothers after your dad's funeral and after you found out that you had brothers, you thought that they would keep you safe because they lived in basically the most secure facility in the country. At this moment, all you wanted to do was sit on your bed, listen to sad music, and cry, but you knew that you had to stay strong for your brothers, Jack, and Cas. Within a few minutes, you were dressed, packed, and ready to go, so you grabbed your bag and headed out to the main room where everyone else was standing around the map table with their bags, waiting on you. You grabbed Jack's hand as you walked to the car and when you all got in, you rested your head on his shoulder before you began to speak, "so, is anyone gonna tell me what in the hell is going on?"

"Well umm (Y/N)," Sam started, "Jack is being hunted by Heaven and is in pretty serious danger. Cas was able to figure out that they plan on taking up base, in Iowa at a hotel, so we're going there to hopefully surprise them. If we don't, we have to be ready to fight either way, but you need to stay calm."

"Ok, so let me get this straight. My boyfriend is being tracked down by Heaven's angel assassins, and you want me to stay calm and pretend like this is a normal hunt?!?' you screamed, "I think not! Jack means way too much to me to stay calm! We are way past stay calm right now! I can't even handle this right now, guys. My life is falling apart: my boyfriend could be kidnapped or killed at any minute, my brothers are driving me straight into danger with pretty much no plan, my father figure just went back home so I won't see him for a few months, my dad's dead, and the only place that I thought was safe after my entire life changed I learned isn't safe and I have to leave and go to Iowa to hopefully, possibly stop angles... A N G E L S of all people from killing the love of my life, my f-ing soul-mate who just so happens to be half angel!!! Do any of you have any possible idea how I feel right now?" you screamed and cried at the same time, letting your tears pour all over Jack's shirt as he hugged you to his side.

"Shh... (Y/N), it's ok," Jack tried to comfort you, "everything will be fine."

You shook your head and cried, "no Jack, nothing will be fine. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose Dean, or Sam, or Cas. And I'm going to lose everyone. I always do. I lose everyone I love, and have to live my life alone. It's just the way things work."

"(Y/N), I don't want to hear you talk like that. Your not cursed or whatever you think is happening. Nothing is going to happen to me, your brothers, or Cas. We love you so much, (Y/N), and we would never leave you alone. And wait? Did you call me your soulmate?" Jack reassured you.

"Yeah, I did. No one is more perfect for me than you. I mean, take just now. You literally just stopped me from having a complete mental breakdown by just saying a few sentences. You understand me perfectly, and I can't imagine ever being with someone besides you. I love you more than there are stars in the universe, and I can't put a word better to that than: soulmate," you said embarrassed as you looked at your feet.

At this point everyone in the car was smiling because they that you would be so much easier to deal with happy, than mad and a complete emotional mess. Jack was even more ecstatic because he finally had confirmation that you loved him just as much as he loved you. He always knew that you loved him, yes, but after you canceled the engagement and gave his ring back he had become insecure. He hugged you and replied, "(Y/N), I love you even more; more than you can ever know or imagine and I promise you on my love for you that I will not die and I will not leave you,"

You hugged him even tighter and Cas rubbed your shoulder from the other side of you in the car. Sam was no longer paying attention because he was being a nerd and doing research and Dean was smiling through the rear-view mirror. You then felt the car stop and realized that Dean had pulled up at yet again, another crappy old motel room, so you wiped the tears off your face and hopped out of Baby to get your bag from the trunk. You walked in holding Jack's hand and Dean walked in with his arm around Cas. Sam looked like a fifth wheel and it was kind of funny. He rolled his eyes at you when he noticed that you were starting to laugh and continued to the front desk to get a room for the five of you. You spent the rest of the day going over the game plan in the motel room.

-----timeskip to 7 p.m. two days later in Iowa-----

The five of you were gathered around the small coffee table in yet another crappy motel room that wreaked of beer and vomit, discussing the plan for that night. Everyone was stuffed with so much caffeine from not sleeping for two days, it was amazing that you hadn't all crashed just because of the intake you all had consumed.

"So, basically, we are going to barge in on the angels and hopefully kill as many as possible without dying?" you asked.

"Yeah, pretty much. Sam and I will go in through the front, you and Jack will go in through the back and Cas will do his flying thing and teleport in," Dean confirmed your question.

"Ok, so when do we leave?" this time it was Jack's turn to ask.

"We'll leave at nine and probably get there around nine thirty," Sam responded.

Everyone nodded and then started to get up and prepare themselves for the battle. You had the angel blade that Cas gave you for your birthday tucked into your boot along with the gun that Bobby gave you in your waistband. You held the Samulet and the necklace from Jack in your hand for a minute as you took a deep breath and headed back to the table to wait for everyone. You knew this was going to be one of the hardest and most emotional fights of your life.

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now