Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Torture

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

When the six of you had reached the kitchen, you all sat down at the large table. You sat in between Jack and Sam, laying your head on Sam's shoulder. He knew that you were still in pain, so he rubbed your back to try and help relieve some of it. You could see Jack staring at the floor and occasionally glancing up at you, letting you know that he was upset. You grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers in his, giving him a soft smile. Sam was the first to speak.

"So who wants to torture the son of a bitch first?"

"I should. She is my great grandmother or something, so it should be me," you replied, forgetting that the boys didn't want Jack knowing that information and that they didn't know that Cas told you.

"Umm (Y/N)... first of all, how do you know that? Second of all, you can't torture you're relative. Dean and I can do it. We don't need a Winchester with anymore family issues then they already have," Sam commented.

"Cas told me and killing this witch isn't going to give me family issues. Also, I appreciate you calling me a Winchester," you were still going by your mom's last name which you had used your whole life. It really made you happy to see that Sam and Dean cared about you enough to let you use their last name. It finally made you feel like you were actually a part of their family.

"(Y/N), you don't need to thank us for calling you a Winchester. You are one whether you like it or not. You're John's daughter and our sister and you mean the entire world to us. And if you think we are going to let you torture your grandmother think again!" Dean remarked

Everyone had forgotten that Jack was in the room. Bobby hadn't known that Hope was one of your relatives, but the old drunk being a practiced hunter knew that it wasn't that uncommon and just went with it. Jack on the other hand became very distressed and started to freak out.

"Wait, Hope is (Y/N)'s relative? Why didn't anyone tell me; I could've protected her!"

"Jack, I didn't want you to freak out or worry about me. You have enough things to worry about and don't need to deal with me as well."

"(Y/N), I'm supposed to be your boyfriend. You can tell me anything and everything and you are definitely not a burden! I love you and if information this important turns up, I need you to tell me, ok? It's my job to protect you!"

"I understand Jack. I just didn't want to upset you because seeing you upset, hurts me."

Suddenly, Jack stood up, pulling you up with him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you so close to him that you could feel his heartbeat. Your heart began to pound faster as Jack gazed into your eyes, glanced down at your lips, and once again held your gaze. You stared up at him, practically begging him to close the gap between the two of you. He slowly leaned forward as you found that your arms were around his neck and your fingers playing with his hair. His lips brushed yours, but just before they fully made contact he whispered, "I love you (Y/N) Winchester. I love you more than anything that I have ever loved before. Please know that." You felt tears starting to prick your eyes from the beautiful words that Jack just told you. As you realized you were starting to cry, Jack slammed his lips against yours, finally closing the the space between you. You melted into his kiss and smiled against his lips. It felt more right than anything you had ever done before.

"Holy Chuck, (Y/N), get a room!" Dean yelled, but you just flipped him off.

The two of you finally broke away for air and Jack pulled you into a warm hug. You had know idea that saying that you got upset by seeing him upset would make him so happy, but you figured that it was probably the definition of love that the boys gave him.

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now