Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: The Summoning

Sam's P.O.V.

-----timeskip to 9 a.m.-----

I was on my way in from my morning run when I smelled bacon coming from the bunker about a quarter mile away. I figured Dean had decided to make (Y/N) a nice breakfast after last night's events. Jack was pretty upset about what had happened, but (Y/N) didn't seemed to be bothered by the fact that her boyfriend, the son of Lucifer, had almost killed her. I trust Jack with my life, but if he can't control his powers and the smallest things like angel radio set him off, then he is dangerous and needs to be taken with caution. I want to be a good older brother because I have never had the option to do that before and support (Y/N), but did her first boyfriend while I know her have to be Lucifer's son. I needed some practice before this. I want to support her even more because Dean very outwardly hates Jack's guts, and definitely doesn't support their relationship. Cas may have convinced him otherwise, though. Cas thinks of Jack like his own son and Dean will do anything for Cas, so I hope his talk worked.

As I finally reached the bunker, I saw Dean stuffing his face with bacon, along with Bobby, (Y/N), and Jack sitting around the table eating pancakes.

"Well I see exercise boy finally decided to come back. You want a salad or something?" (Y/N) giggled.

"Yeah whatever. At least I'm not going to die of high cholesterol."

"Dude, if bacon's what kills me, then I win!" Dean remarked.

I shook my head, grabbed a salad from the fridge, and made my way to the table, sitting down next to Jack. He had his arm around (Y/N)'s shoulder as she was eating which I guess he could do because he was half angel and didn't need to eat much. They were actually really cute together.

"So umm after we eat, let's grab all the items for the summoning spell so we can bind that crazy witch."

"Great idea Sammy. What do we need?" Dean replied.

"Yeah so we need rosemary, yarrow root, cypress, and lamb's blood and a chant to call the witch here."

"Sounds good, what about the binding charm?" (Y/N) asked.

"So for that we need a cat's bone, poppy seeds, and make them into a hex bag."

"Do we have all that stuff here?" Bobby questioned.

"Actually, yeah, we do."

"Then let's get on it. Thanks for doing the research, Sammy. You're such a nerd," Dean rudely remarked, but I ignored him.

-----timeskip to noon-----

Eventually everyone was ready to summon and bind Hope. Dean and I gathered the ingredients for the summoning spell while Cas grabbed candles to put around the area we were going to call her to. Bobby prepared the witch binding hex bag and Jack helped (Y/N) to make sure that she had enough strength to help with the spells. They also prepared the torture chamber in the bunker so that we could transfer Hope there after we bound her powers.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

After everyone was finally prepared to summon Hope and figure out why she wanted her own personal spirit, the six of you gathered around the five lit candles in the torture room as Sam placed a bowl full of what looked like a few variations of plants and blood in the center. He stepped back, prepared to recite the chant with Dean while Bobby and Cas hid in one corner of the room so that they could grab her after her powers had been bound and you and Jack hid in the other corner so that you were out of sight and the hex bag could be a surprise. You gave Sam a thumbs up saying that you were ready and he started chanting along with Dean:

"O si vocare te venerunt ad nos malum pythonissam est nobis in mente, et in corpore et in anima et in nos hic adiungere"

Suddenly, in a flash of light I saw the witch appear in the circle of candles. She smirked as she saw Sam and Dean and as she opened her mouth to speak, I knew that it was my turn to act. I grabbed the hex bag from my pocket and threw it at her feet. I saw a puff of yellow smoke encase her and I heard a high pitched cackle coming from the middle of the smoke. As it cleared, I could see Hope still standing in the same spot, almost doubled over in the laughter.

"You silly hunters! Do you actually think a little smoke bomb is going to scare me?"

"We do if it's a power binding charm," Dean remarked sarcastically.

"Oh shit!" Hope blatantly tried to hex us, but couldn't.

Bobby and Cas then jumped out from behind her and grabbed her by the wrists. They shackled her to the hanging chains in the ceiling which allowed you and Jack to walk out with the other four to help with the questioning. You were leaning very heavily on Jack's shoulder as you walked because it was still very difficult for you to move. You hadn't fully recovered from the blood loss and were pretty sure that you had a pretty bad concussion, but weren't going to say anything about it because you didn't want to upset Jack even more. He could tell you were in a lot of pain despite your silence and constant remarks of, "I'm ok" purely based on how hard you were pressing on his shoulder as you walked. He could see the pain in your face, even though you tried to hide it from him. He merely wrapped his arm around your waist to help you keep your balance and proceeded to lead you next to your brothers who in turn grabbed you so that you were in between Sam and Dean with an arm around each of their shoulders.

You then heard a gruff voice begin to speak and knew that it was Dean.

"Well if it isn't the wicked witch of the U.S. What brings you to our humble bunker? Oh wait we summoned you and bound your powers," all six of us then turned around and started to walk out. "Don't think we're gonna forget about you down here; we'll be sure to torture you in a few hours."

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now