Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Family Quirks

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

-----Timeskip to 6 a.m.-----

*music* "Heat of the Moment" *music*. You rolled out of bed thinking of how boring your day was going to be if all you were doing was driving back to Lebanon to do research in the bunker. You went into the bathroom to throw on a blue tank top, blue flannel leaving it open so the form fitting tank could be seen, and a pair of new black jeans. As you came back into your room to start packing your bag, you felt Jack hug you from behind and around your waist. You leaned against him, smiling but also wondering why he was doing this. You turned around and decided to ask.

"Hey Jack, what's up?"

"When I woke up, you weren't here. I thought something happened to you."

"It's ok Jack I'm fine," you said because you saw his eyes start to flash yellow as he was getting upset, which could only mean that his powers were about to act up.

"I know, I just didn't want anything to happen and I still can't control my powers if that's what you're worried about."

"Jack, I don't care about your powers. I know you would never hurt me, especially not on purpose. I like you for you, not because you have angel powers. Now go get dressed and packed. I just got a text from Sam saying we are leaving in fifteen."

You saw Jack turn to the bathroom with a pile of clothes in his hands, so you decided to head over to your brothers' room. As you walked in you were bombarded by a very frazzled Sam. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the hallway slamming the door behind him.

"What's going on, Sam?"

"I don't want Dean to know yet, but I was wondering if I could ride with you and Jack. I can't handle Destiel's sexual tension anymore."


"It's their ship name from the book series about us. Some high school girl used into three years ago when they were doing a play about our lives."

"Oh ok... Wait what?"

"It's a long story, but can I ride with you guys?"

"Yeah of course as long as you don't mind country music."

"No I love country music! Just don't let Dean know or he might disown both of us."

"Got it. Also you can have shotgun; I'll make Jack take the backseat so we can have some sibling bonding time. I still don't know you and Dean that well."

"Of course and if you want, the three of us can go do something once we get to the bunker."

"That sounds great!"

Dean walked into the hallway just as your conversation ended and his face was bright red. You figured he had been talking about what both he and Cas had shared in the witch's presence. He went over to your room and knocked on the door, asking if Jack was ready to go yet. The adorable nephilim walked out with both his and your bags in his hands. You walked over to him to take your bag, so he didn't have to carry it, but he refused and held onto it for you. Everyone but Dean headed to the cars as he checked everyone out. When he got back he saw the top down on Angel with Sam sitting shotgun.

"What the hell, man?"

"I couldn't handle being alone with you and Cas since our encounter with Hope. Take this as an opportunity to talk things out."

"Whatever Sammy," he said as he hopped into Baby.

You started blaring country music from the radio hoping that one of your favorites came on, which it did. "Wagon Wheel" by Darius Rucker was now blaring from your convertible for everyone to hear. When you pulled up to a stop light, Dean pulled up next to you.

"(Y/N) if you're gonna have a car like that, at least play some good music!"

"What I can't hear you!"' you screamed as you turned the radio up even louder, now with "Buy me a Boat" by Chris Janson playing.

As the light turned green, you speeded ahead of your brother. A few hours had passed and you hadn't even noticed. You had spent the entire time talking and laughing with Sam. The two of you had grown much closer since he decided to ride with you today. It was the same closeness you felt the first day you had met them when you had just found out that you had two half brothers. While you were talking with Sam, you hadn't even noticed Jack in the backseat until he facetimed you on his phone, which you had taught him how to use. You attached your phone to your dashboard through the pop socket and pop socket stand and answered.

"Hey (Y/N)!"

"Hey what's up Jack? Sorry about not talking to you. You were so quiet, I kinda forgot you were there."

"It's fine. I understand that you need time to spend with your brother too, but I was wondering: are we stopping at a motel on the way back or are we just driving straight to Lebanon?"

"Oh I actually have no idea. I'll have text Dean," you leaned forward to open the texting app on your phone and asked your older brother, then waited for a reply. "Dean says we're driving all the way through, but I can switch with Sammy if I want."

Sam then leaned in front of the phone to add to the conversation, "Jack do you think I should give her a break or make her drive all the way?"

"I think you should make her drive the whole way."

"I think I'm pulling over in five and making you take over Sam!" you replied, then hung up on the nephilim.

Within the next five minutes, you passed a gas station and pulled over in it. You hopped out of the driver's seat and tossed Sam the keys to Angel. He made his way to the steering wheel and you took his place in shotgun. You heard the engine purr and you were on your way back to the bunker. 

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now