Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: To Kill or Be Killed

-----timeskip to outside the hotel-----

"Ok, so what do we do now?" you asked.

"We execute the plan and hopefully don't die," Castiel said in a very monotone voice, but then added a smile meant to be reassuring but was more painful and sorrowful.

You simply nodded and grabbed Jack's hand leading him to the door where the two of you were meant to enter from. Sam and Dean walked up to their entrance with their guns held in front of them, ready to fire. You grabbed your angel blade and kicked down the door. Jack headed in front of you, ready to blast anyone in his way. You saw Sam and Dean bust through the door across the lobby and Cas appeared in the center of the room. You looked around and saw ten angels stationed around the room.

"Just great. We each have to take on two of them," you mumbled to no one in particular.

"Have some confidence sweetheart!" you heard Dean yell as he slammed one of the angels into the front desk and put a blade through her chest, watching as blue light shown from her eyes as she died.

"Whatever Winchester!" you replied sarcastically as you took down an angel that was about to kill Cas and Jack blasted two more.

"You're a Winchester, too, (Y/N)!" Sam replied as he was slammed against a wall.

The lobby was filled with grunts, slams, screams, and other indescribable sounds of fighting. You were panting from all the fighting you had been doing, even though you had your brothers, Cas, and Jack helping. There were still six angels left and you were each currently fighting one, when you realized that you had no idea where the sixth angel was.

"Hey guys, does anyone know where the last angel is because I thi-" you were cut off by a knife being plunged into your back and you instantly dropped to your knees and blood poured from your injury.

"Holy shit! (Y/N)!" you heard Sam yell as he finished off the angel he was fighting and ran over to you. "Dean, get the angel! Cas, get your angelic ass over here! Now!"

"Hey, Sam..." you said and smiled up at your moose of a brother as your eyes started to flutter closed.

"Come on (Y/N), stay with me," he sighed as he combed his fingers through his hair. "Cas! Where are we with getting your ass over here and healing my sister?" you could hear the pain in his voice.

"Sammy, why don't you chill out and get the kid to heal her? Cas is taking on three right now!" Dean yelled as Cas was shoved up against the wall by two of his ex-colleagues

"Hold on, I'm coming love!" Jack screamed as he blasted the rest of the angels leaving wing scorch marks laying all over the lobby of the hotel, including on the elevator doors.

Jack, Castiel, and Dean immediately ran over to you lying unconscious on the floor. Jack held his hands over you and they started to glow yellow as well as Cas's hands who was also attempting to heal you. Dean and Sam were kneeling on either side of you, each of them were holding one of your hands, sobbing silently. Jack was trying to hold back his tears, so that he could use all of his concentration on healing you. He would never be able to bear it if you died because of him. He desperately wished that it was him in your place.

Suddenly, your eyes fluttered open and you gasped for air. You slowly sat up and saw your two brothers holding each of your hands as well as Jack and Cas kneeling next to you. Jack was combing his fingers through your (y/h/l) (y/h/c) hair and all of them were crying.

"What's the matter guys? Don't you like a little fun?" you laughed and they all looked at you as smiles grew on their faces.

"(Y/N)! Holy shit! We thought you were dead! What the hell?" Dean screamed.

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now