Chapter 22

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A/N: hey guys so I'm writing a Peter Parker x reader. Check it out if you want. It should be out pretty soon, so yeah. In other news 2K reads! That's amazing! Thanks guys, love you all!

Chapter 22: Rolling Heads

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

-----timeskip to 9 a.m.

You had just woken up after a surprisingly good night's sleep. Dean took the couch, letting you have the second bed. You yawned and realized that Sam and Dean were already up and ready for the hunt. Cas had double checked the abandoned factory to make sure that your suspicions on where the nest was stating were correct. All that was left to do was to go chop off some off those blood sucker's heads. You were going in the daylight because the vampires would be asleep and it should be easier. By your calculations, it was an abnormally large nest, containing around twenty vamps. You hopped out of bed and grabbed a clean pair of jeans, green tank top and green flannel to change into. You laced your boots, carefully concealing your angel blade in the right one and headed out the door with your gun in your back pocket.

The plan was to go in as groups of two: You and Dean, Sam and Bobby, and Cas and Jack. Each group was to go in from a different entrance and just chop as many heads as they could. When the impala reached the factory, you hopped out of the backseat and followed Dean to the back entrance. You saw the other two pairs do likewise. Dean busted down the door and you carefully followed him in.

Out of nowhere at least four vamps had swarmed you, each of you taking two on.

"Son of a bitch!" you heard Dean yell, "they were supposed to be asleep!"

"Yeah, well they're not, so get your ass over here and help me cause here come some more!' you yell in reply.

Dean continues to use his machete and killed all four of the original vamps while you took on the next two, killing them as blood gushed all over your face and clothes. You cringed as you saw all the heads drop to the floor and roll a few feet from the force of Dean's swings. You went into another room while Dean stayed in there to check for more. Sam, Bobby, and Cas had also worked their way into the main area and were helping Dean. Before you could think twice, you found yourself pinned against a wall by an extremely tall vamp with black hair and brown eyes.

"Hey there pretty. What do you think, we go somewhere more private?" he said flirtatiously while his fangs dragged across your neck. You didn't answer.

"Aw come on beautiful, you're lucky. I could just kill you, but i think you're special enough to turn. You could become one of us and stay here with me." he reiterated himself.

"Bite me!" you yelled until you realized you were talking to a vamp, "Wait, no, don't actually do that!"

"Maybe I'll take you up on your offer. You do look delicious," he said while licking his lips.

Suddenly you saw Jack walk in behind the vamp, but he must've heard Jack because he turned around and then dug his fangs so deep into your neck that you were starting to see spots. Jack's face become one of horror as he realized that you were about to die on his watch. His eyes began to glow and he held out his hands while screaming, "Leave her alone you son of a bitch!"

He must've startled the vamp because he stopped drinking your blood and turned to look at Jack as you collapsed to the ground, blood pouring from your neck. Suddenly, Jack sent out a burst of power sending the vamp hurtling to the wall, knocking him unconscious. He ran over and sliced his head clean off in one swing and then ran over to you.

Jack picked you up bridal style and carried you out to Sam and Dean as he kept repeatedly apologizing to you for how he treated you. You looked up at him with big eyes and said in between harsh breaths, "Jack? Stay with me please..." You then passed out in his arms.

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now