Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Au revoir ya idjit

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

-----timeskip to 7:30 a.m.-----

You woke up the next morning to the rustling of clothes and zippers which made you realize that you were that last one to wake up and that your brothers had started to pack for you. You reached over to the night stand to grab your phone and clicked the power button to see the white numbers reading 7:30 over the top of the picture of you and Jack, in the front seat of your mustang singing to "'Bohemian Rhapsody" which you had set as a screensaver.

"Well look at that; she's alive!" Dean jokes when he realized that you woke up.

"Yeah whatever, squirrel!" you retort as Dean gives you a sarcastic hurt look.

"Oh, Hey (Y/N). We packed for you. Don't worry, I didn't let Dean touch any of your clothes. We are all driving to the diner down the road to have breakfast with Bobby in about ten minutes, so you may want to get dressed," Sam said thoughtfully.

"Thanks Sammy. Can you toss me some clothes?" you asked as a pair of jeans, flannel, and a Queen shirt hit your face.

"Yes, Queen! Good choice Sammy!" you yelled enthusiastically while your brother just laughed.

"First of all it's Sam, not Sammy. And second, the shirt was Dean's choice."

"Well you shouldn't have told me that. You just lost points on the favorite brother tally!" you laughed and walked to the bathroom to change.

Both brothers just stared at each other confused. When you closed the bathroom door you could hear them start to whisper, but not very well.

"What tally is she talking about?" you heard Sam ask.

"I don't know man, but I'm gonna win!" Dean said ecstatically.

The tally was completely fake and you loved both of your brothers equally, but you thought it might be fun to mess with them to see what they would do to win. If you had learned anything from your time with them, it was that Winchesters were competitive.

You walked out of the bathroom, nodded at the brothers, walked out of the crumby motel room, and knocked on Jack, Cas, and Bobby's door. Cas answered and let you in, nodding towards the bed where Jack was packing his duffel bag. He hadn't noticed you come in, so you took the opportunity to sneak up on him. You jumped onto his back and put your hands over his eyes whispering, "guess who?" Jack flipped you over onto the bed and straddled you with his knees and hands. He leaned down to whisper something in your ear while you stared up at him, eyes full of wonder, when both Bobby and Cas awkwardly coughed to remind you that they were still there. Jack got off the bed and continued to pack while you flattened your shirt with your hands, got up, and walked back to your room where you met Sam. He was waiting for you to come back so that you could pack everything into the car while Dean checked everyone out.

When you made it outside, Dean was leaning against the impala with Cas standing next to him. You could vaguely make out them holding hands before they saw you and jumped apart. Shortly after, Jack and Bobby walked out with their stuff as well. Bobby through his in the back of his old Ford while Jack put his in Baby's trunk with everyone else's. Dean drove with Sam sitting shotgun which forced you to smash between the two angels, so you laid your head on Jack's shoulder and closed your eyes, seeing as it was still dark out.

About fifteen minutes later you felt someone shaking you and whispering for you to wake up. Your eyes fluttered open, allowing you to see that it was Jack. You groaned and sat up, blinking a few times before you got out of the car and followed everyone into the local, small town diner. The six of you squeezed into a large booth and Dean ordered pancakes, bacon, and coffee for everyone. You were starving and groaned in content, after the fifteen minute wait and shoved the fluffy breakfast food in your mouth, looking almost like Dean when he's eating a good burger. Everyone laughed and then went back to their conversations. You had been casually listening to Sam and Dean's argument of which one of them was your favorite brother when Jack turned to you and started to speak.

"So...uh..(Y/N), I've been thinking and I know you don't want to wear the ring, but I would love it if you would accept this," he pulled out a beautiful gold heart necklace with the words 'Jack and Y/N' written on it in script from his pocket and held it out to you, "It would mean everything to mean if you wore it as sort of a promise ring, but in necklace form; to symbolize my promise that I will never leave you or hurt you ever again unless you want me to leave." You couldn't think of anything to do, but to smile, turn around, and say, "Yes Jack. I promise and I love you with my whole heart," in between short kisses. You turned away from Jack and lifted up your hair. He took the hint and gently clasped the necklace around your neck and hugged you from behind.

Everyone else was now staring at the two of you and smiling. When you finally snapped back to reality, you saw their stares and started to laugh.

"What?" you giggled.

"Nothing, you guys are just adorable," Cas responded.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll go pay and you guys head outside. Bobby has to get going and we don't want your obnoxious face sucking making him late," Dean retorted.

Everyone rolled their eyes and headed outside as Dean payed the bill. When he came out, you were all leaning against the impala and Bobby was standing next to his old truck. Dean walked over and stood in between you and Cas. There were a few minutes of awkward silence before Sam cleared his throat and decided to start the goodbyes.

"Hey Bobby, I know you don't do sentimental, but you are and always have been like a father to me and Dean. We're all gonna miss you while you're back in Minnesota and don't forget to visit and not just because we need your help on a hunt," he said before walking up to wrap Bobby in a hug.

"Thanks Sam. Don't die on me while I'm not up here and please don't start another apocalypse," Bobby joked, making everyone laugh.

You then ran up to Bobby and hugged him as he whispered, "I love you, (Y/N), and please make sure these idjits stay out of trouble," into your ear. You nodded and said, "Take care of yourself, Bobby," releasing your father figure and allowing Dean to come up and hug him.

You could tell that Dean was almost in tears, even though Bobby was only a couple hours away and you would probably all see him within a month, it was still an emotional moment. You watched as Dean gave Bobby one of his patented Dean hugs, patted him on the back and stepped back. Cas and Jack both waved and said their goodbyes as Bobby hopped into his truck, waved and drove off. The rest of you squished into the impala and started your long drive back to the bunker. By tomorrow, Sam will have probably found another hunt and you would once again be on the road with the two salty hunters, one half-angel kid, and a dude who just came back from the dead... again.

After a few minutes of scrolling through instagram, you fell asleep with your head resting on Cas's shoulder and Jack stroking your hair. Dean was, of course, playing Bon Jovi in the front seat as Sam was on his lap top researching a new case. Although, you had no idea how he had an internet connection. You had no idea that the case he was researching wasn't just a 'monster of the week' type of thing and that it would change your life forever.

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now