Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Breakup?

Cas's P.O.V.

-----timeskip to 7 a.m.-----

I awoke to the sound of Dean knocking on my door yelling as he walked down the hall for everyone to wake up because we were leaving for St. Louis in fifteen minutes. Sam had found a case there yesterday which involved a nest of vampires. After we finished the hunt, Bobby was going to head back to Sioux Falls until the wedding. I packed a toothbrush and some other personal items in my duffel bag which Dean gave to me and headed to the kitchen to wait for everyone else. Sam, Dean, and Bobby were already there as they usually have pre-packed duffels for when they are on the road, so we were only waiting for Jack and (Y/N).

"I can go check on them and make sure that they actually woke up, if you want me to," I offered.

"Yeah, sure, Cas. Go ahead," Dean replied.

I knocked on the door of (Y/N)'s room first and was acknowledged by a quiet "yes." She was sitting on the edge of her bed and looked very upset about something, as if she was going to cry, so I thought I would ask her what was wrong. I sat down next to her and lifted her chin up, so that she was looking me in the eye before I said, "(Y/N), you're upset. What happened?"

"It's nothing, Cas, I'm fine."

"No you're not. You can talk to me. You can talk to me about anything."

She broke into sobs before answering, "Cas, I... I can't marry Jack." I put my arm around her shoulder as she continued, "I mean I love him and i want to marry him one day, maybe, but I'm only eighteen, and we only met like two months ago. And only about a day before that i didn't even know i had any brothers. Everything is just going to fast, Cas. Please help me. What should I do?"

(Y/N) sobbed into my shoulder as I pondered my answer, "(Y/N), I agree with you. Don't rush into anything if you don't want to. Give yourself some time to live a little. I can tell Sam and Dean if you would like me to, so you can get their advice as well."

"No, Cas. I appreciate it, but I want to tell them myself and I want to make sure that I talk to Jack first. Oh my gosh, Jack! What do I say to Jack?"

"(Y/N) relax" she had started to hyperventilate and was starting to worry me even more than she was when I first saw her, "Just explain to Jack that you love him and still want to be with him, but don't want to rush into a commitment like marriage so early. I'm sure he will understand eventually. He may need some space at first, but he will understand. He really does love you."

"Thanks, Cas, you're the best! I guess I better pack; our fifteen minutes are probably over," (Y/N) said with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll leave you to that," I answered as I left her room only to run into Jack in the hallway.

"Oh, hello, Castiel. Is (Y/N) ok? I thought I heard her crying," the nephilim greeted with concern laced in his voice.

"Yes, she is fine. Why don't we go meet the guys in the kitchen and get some coffee before we leave?" Jack nodded and followed me to the kitchen.

When we got to the kitchen, I could see that Dean was aggravated that (Y/N) wasn't with me because i had been gone for at least twenty minutes and he wanted to be on the road by now. I gave him a look saying,"she's upset, give her a minute" and Dean nodded understanding what I meant. Five minutes later, (Y/N) walked out with her bag in her hand and her eyes red from crying.

"Well, we haven't got all day, do we?" she said, making Dean grab his keys and everyone head to the garage.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now