Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Family Issues

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

You were sitting on the floor talking to Castiel about your brothers and the many times they both ruined and saved the entire world. It began to occur to you how much danger your brothers along with Jack and Bobby could be in. All the possible scenarios of what that evil bitch of a woman could be doing to your family swam through your mind make you more nervous by the second. You saw Sam and Jack walk down the hall, Jack seething with anger and his eyes still yellow. You immediately jumped up at his presence at started running to him

"(Y/N), that may not be a good idea. You might want to wait until he settles down to go over there," you heard Cas say behind you, but you ignored him because you were too relieved to see your boyfriend and brother okay.

As Jack saw you attempting to run towards him, you still had a limp from last night, his eyes went back to normal and a smile pulled on his lips. He ran up to you picking you up just above your hips and twirling you in the air above his head. You laughed at his sudden burst of romance, but wondered what had happened with Hope to make him do this. As he set you down, you suddenly became worried because tears started to form in his eyes.

"Jack, baby, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I tried to get the information from her, but she just made me so mad. I used my powers on her and totally forgot about getting the info. All I cared about was protecting you. Sam had to take me out, so that I didn't kill her. Dean and Bobby are in there probably doing everything that I wasn't able to. I'm sorry, (Y/N), I'm a terrible hunter."

"Jack, I never want to hear you say that again, ok? I don't care if you get the information or not. I only care that you're ok. The entire time you were locked in there with that witch, all i could think about were all the horrible things that she could be doing to you. You don't know how happy it makes me to know that you cared about me so much that you put your life on the line. Jack, you are the best hunter I know and I'm very proud of you for standing your ground in there with Hope. I love you so, so much."

Both of you now had tears streaming down your face as Jack enveloped you in a warm hug. Sam and Cas were standing off to the side smiling at the two of you. Suddenly, Jack pulled away from you had stared lovingly into you eyes.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?"

"Jack what-"

You're just so beautiful, (Y/N)."

You smiled at his kindness and turned to see that Dean and Bobby had returned from torturing your witch relative.They gave you sorrowful looks causing Sam, Cas, Jack, and yourself to once again start to worry. Bobby told all of you to sit down and Dean began to explain everything that Hope told them.

"So... umm (Y/N)... I don't know any other way to tell you this except out right say it: You're part witch," everyone's faces dropped in shock and Dean continued, "but you don't exactly have powers or anything. See, because you are only slightly part witch and mostly human, you have to do something to gain your powers which Hope wanted you to do and join her coven. She said that for you to embrace your witch blood, you would have to use the secrets of those you most love against them, which is why she made us spill our darkest secrets. She planned on having that poor spirit force you into killing us with our secrets, therefore making you become a witch. But when she realized you were have Winchester, she freaked out a little and decided to give up on her plan until we summoned her. Don't worry, we put the spirit to rest, but Hope is still in there. We have witch killing bullets and figured we would ask you before we shot her in case for some reason, you wanted to do it."

"No you can do it, Dean. I think I'm going to head to bed; I just need some time to take this all in."

"That's ok sweetheart, We'll be here for you when you're ready. Take your time. I'll take care of that old bitch."

You walked to your room, closed and locked the door, and immediately threw yourself on your bed. You couldn't help the tears that poured from your eyes and fell down your cheeks. You figured tonight, you would just cry out the pain and deal with your family tomorrow. You laid in your bed and watched netflix until two a.m. until you finally fell asleep.

Jack's P.O.V.

(Y/N) had run off to her room and I wanted nothing more than to follow and console her, but I knew that she needed her space after the news about Hope. I heard Bobby and cas both say that they were going to hit the hay and watched as they disappeared behind their closed doors. I used this as an opportunity to talk to Sam and Dean alone about something that had been on mind for awhile. I cleared my throat and saw both brothers look up at me.

"Did you want something, Jack?" Sam asked.

"Actually, yes, I did have a question for the both of you," Sam and Dean shared a confused look and then looked at me as if to say, "go on".

"So I've been thinking about (Y/N) lately and I realized that if she wasn't in my life, then I don't know if I would be able to keep living. She is the pure source of joy that I have and I love her with all my heart and I need to know that I can be with her for my whole life to protect her and make her happy," I nervously stammered.

"Jack, is there a point to this or are you just going to rant about how much you love my sister until I barf?" Dean asked.

"Well I umm... I kind of wanted to ask your permission to propose to her. I read that it's what you do when you really love someone and want to spend the rest of your life with them.'

Sam and Dean's mouths dropped and they gave each other a nervous look. I started to freak out and take back my question, worried that I had done something wrong.

"If I was wrong and that's not what it mean to propose to someone, I can just umm... forget about it," I began to walk back to my room.

"No, Jack, wait. You were right, that is what propose means; Dean and I were just surprised. That's all." Sam said with a smile forming on his lips.

"Hold up Sammy, they're only eighteen. We can't let them get married! What are you thinking, Jack?"

"Well I know that eighteen is young to be married, but I also know that people can be engaged for years, and that this only means that eventually we will be married."

"Well it looks like you have it all planned out. As long as Dean says it's ok, then it's fine by me," Sam chimed in then turned and looked at Dean.

"I guess it's fine as long as you stay in the bunker, continue to hunt so Sammy and I can protect you, treat her right, and keep the noise down. Now let's make sure you do this thing right for my little sis, ok?" Dean replied.

I didn't know what "keep the noise down" meant, but I accepted his terms anyway. I jumped up, so excited that I was going to be able to marry the girl of my dreams and pulled both Sam and Dean into a group hug. I ran to my room to start looking for an engagement ring and I saw Dean head to the torture room with the colt and witch killing bullets. Right as I had decided on the perfect ring for (Y/N), I heard a sharp, bang, and knew that Hope was gone and marked off the list of things for us to deal with.

A/N: Thanks for bearing with my technical difficulties. I hope everyone likes the chapter

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now