Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Car Rides

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

-----timeskip ahead 2 hours-----

After two hours of research, Sam had finally found the five of you a case. It was a simple salt and burn in Dayton, Ohio where an old man whose wife was unfaithful starting killing other unfaithful wives to make up for what his wife did. Most of them were deemed accidents. Dean stood up and yelled, "I'm driving Baby!" That was when you realized that the impala's name was Baby. Sam rode shotgun with Dean and you suggested that Jack ride with you so that Cas could ride with them and no one was in a car by themselves. Dean reluctantly agreed, and you could see the reluctance and hostility towards Jack on his face. You hopped into the driver's seat of the Mustang, which you had decided needed a name, and Jack got in shotgun after you told him it was ok to do so. The two of you discussed a name for your car while the top was down and the wind blowing in your faces. After about an hour you both agreed on Angel. After about another hour of comfortable silence Jack finally spoke up, "Umm (Y/N), I was wondering if you could tell me what a crush was."

"Well it's when you like someone, but not in a friend way. In a way that makes you feel special; it could also be described similarly to love. Why do you ask?"

"Well I read about it online and I think I may have one."

"Oh yeah, on who?"

"I can't tell you that. I have to keep it a secret," he said blushing.

"Why? I can keep a secret to, you know."

"No, (Y/N), this has to stay a secret, for now."

"Ok, Jack, tell me when you're ready."

You had hoped that his crush was on you although you had just met him, and had no idea what other girls he may know. The time you had spent getting to know him was super great and you couldn't remember the last time you actually had the chance to really be yourself. After you had been driving for about five hours, you checked your phone and saw that you had a text from Dean: Hey (Y/N) you better not be having any chick flick moments over there! Lol Sammy, Cas, and I are stopping at the next motel for the night; you guys can follow us in and I'll take care of getting the rooms.

You replied with a simple: Alright. See ya there.

You were glad that Dean was getting rooms for the night because quite frankly, you were starting to get tired and your muscles hurt from driving for so many hours straight. The air was starting to chill as the sky darkened over the convertible. Jack had become silent after your conversation which led you to wonder what he was thinking about. You wondered how many rooms Dean would get for the five of you and what it would be like to stay in a motel with four other guys, but the screaming of "turn here!" by Dean and Baby's turn signal coming on awoke you from your thoughts. The boys turned into the Red Rum motel, so you followed. As Dean went up to the counter to get rooms, you, Jack, Sam, and Cas stayed in the cars.

Dean's P.O.V.

I turned into the Red Rum motel for the night, honestly because I liked the name. It was a nice nod to The Shining. I went inside and walked up to the desk noticing the super hot blonde working it. But then I thought, no Dean, you like Cas and need to tell him. Don't think about blondes. I asked for one room with four beds and a couch, but she said that the biggest rooms they had were doubles, so I got two double rooms that were next to each other. This situation left me very uncomfortable because I didn't know who I should have stay with who. I thought that it would be better for (Y/N) to stay with Sammy and myself and Jack to stay with Cas because he was like a father to the boy, but I also thought that staying with Sam and me might make (Y/N) uncomfortable, so I decided to let her choose. I went out to the car and asked who she would like to stay with.

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now