Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Family

-----Timeskip to 8 p.m.-----

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

The rest of the day had gone pretty well. Bobby had explained that John made him promise not to tell Sam and Dean about you and vice versa.The three of you forgave him and headed to a local bar. Dean thought it would be the best place to talk about the days activities. The three of you sat down and Dean signaled a bartender and ordered all three of you drinks. Being eighteen, the bartender obviously asked for an I.D. but you being a Winchester had a fake one ready. After you got your drinks, you decided to ask the boys some questions.

"So did you guys like umm live with Dad all the time?" you stuttered.

Sam was the one to reply, "Yeah so when I was six months old our mom was killed by a demon and it made him crazy. It's why he became a hunter, and he raised us in the life, but occasionally he would leave us in motels by ourselves. He wasn't the best father to us either. I eventually got out of the life and went to Stanford, but then my girlfriend was killed by the same demon, Azazel a prince of hell, that killed our mom, so here I am thirteen years later."

You could see a tear fall down your brother's face, so you grabbed his hand as an effort to console him. It must've been hard to talk about his mom and girlfriend, especially to a stranger. You had one more question about your dad, but you figured it could wait until later.

The three of you had a couple more drinks, and you looked at your phone to check the time which made you realize that you had been there for over four hours.

"Well I think I'll head back to my motel to try and get some rest."

"What? No (Y/N)! You're staying with us at the bunker!" Dean retorted.

"But I'm basically a stranger. I wouldn't want to intrude."

"No (Y/N), you're family and in this family, that means everything."

A smile spread so far across your face that it almost reached your eyes. "I don't even know what to say. Thank you so, so much! But I'll have to grab my stuff first and check out of my motel, so can I get your numbers?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" the boys said in unison as Sam handed you a slip of paper wher he had written his and Dean's numbers.You quickly added them into your contacts and waved goodbye.

Dean's P.O.V.

(Y/N) had come to a bar with Sam and I to talk about everything that happened before Dad's wake. I ordered us all beers figuring that (Y/N) had a fake I.D. being a hunter and a Winchester, and she did. Sammy and I answered her questions as best as we could and then the three of us just hung out like siblings. I think I was finally coming to terms with having a real sister, not even someone that felt like as sister, like Charlie was. Before we knew it, it was after midnight, so (Y/N) decide that she should head back to her motel. I couldn't let my little sis stay in a crappy motel room while Sammy and I went back to the bunker with Cas and Jack. We had so many extra rooms, so I offered her one. I'm not sure if I'll regret this later or not, but at least my desire to punch her had left. She asked for our numbers which made Sammy and myself both say "I thought you'd never ask!" at the exact same time. I think we were both so happy to see that she trusted us enough to ask for them. After we watched our younger sister walk out of the bar, Sammy realized that we never gave her the bunker's address, so he texted it to her. I was so proud of how independant she was, and I couldn't help but to feel protective of her. I payed for our drinks and climbed into Baby noticing how beautiful the sky was tonight. Sammy asked if he could turn on the radio, but I just said, "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole," and put in a Bon Jovi cassette. I decided that (Y/N) better like classic rock.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

As you left the bar, you noticed for the first time how peaceful and calm it was at night. The stars sparkled overhead, as you for the first time since your mom had died, didn't feel absolutely alone. You got into your car and drove to your motel with the top down. You grabbed the small amount of stuff that you actually had from the cheap room, and checked out.

You hopped into the Mustang and checked your phone seeing that you had a text from Sam: Hey (Y/N) I realized we never gave you the bunker's address here it is.

Attached below was coordinates to what they called "the bunker."

A Sister Forgotten (Jack Kline x Female Reader, Winchesters x sister, Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now