Chapter 1

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Hello everyone, I just wanted to say that this is my first ff so please don't be much harsh since I will try my best. Just want to remind you that I don't own any of these images so the credit goes to the rightful owners. Also, please don't take the story without any permission. I will try not to make plentiful of mistakes even though my grammar is not the best. This ff is about Taehyung who gets arranged married to a Muslim Pakistani girl. I don't mean to offend any cultures or believes; this ff is meant just for entertainment and that's it so please don't leave any hate comments. I really hope you enjoy it and once again, this ff does not have a purpose to offend any believes or cultures. This fan fiction is made just for fun and not to make fun of any believes so please just enjoy. I also kind of made this for all of the Muslim Armys out there (I am one myself) so let's relate and just enjoy OK? : ) 

 I also kind of made this for all of the Muslim Armys out there (I am one myself) so let's relate and just enjoy OK? : ) 

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up around 5 am, ready to start my day, which is the same every day. I am a doctor that means I have a very busy and stressful job, but I like it since majority of the time, the patients are kids.

I slothfully open my eyes, having a hard time opening them because of the bright light surfacing my eyes from the window. I roam my eyes around my bedroom, having no interest in waking up whatsoever. My room is quite big, almost the size of a master bedroom since I live alone. My parents live back in Canada since they did not want to leave their jobs behind. It was my decision to shift in Korea after I worked as a doctor in Vancouver for a couple of years. I have always liked the way Korea was and wanted to live here, despite my cultural difference. Yes, I am a Muslim, so it was somewhat difficult for me to adjust, but now I am enjoying my life. I am originally from Pakistan, so I speak a lot of languages.

I take a glance around my room, it is always neat and tidy because I usually don't invite any of my friends over and my family lives abroad. My house remains neat. My life has been like this since I came to Korea. I always have a hard time making friends because of my shyness. My daily routine starts with me just going to work and coming back from work and then it's too late to do anything, but sleep. It is like  a never-ending cycle that I want to get rid of.  

I eventually got off my bed, of course lazily since I have never been a morning person. I don't like to get late for my work, I simply wake up early. I unhurriedly walked towards my bathroom, which is always my imagination place. I usually get the dumbest thoughts in my bathroom. I do not know why, but I like my bathroom more than any other place.

I brush my teeth while again having weird thoughts that you are supposed to have while showering and not while brushing your teeth, but oh well. I go back to my bedroom, cleaned it and then started getting ready for my day.

 I usually meet kids and every so often adults

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 I usually meet kids and every so often adults. I like to look approachable and not one of those doctors who are scary and will stab you with an injection (not literally) I don't want to scare the kids away. 

I sit in my car drive to the place I work in. I greet my fellow doctors before going to the staff room to grab a quick coffee. I see my best friend Ajar, talking to one of the nurses.

 She saw me a smiled gracefully. She was wearing a beautiful scarf of a beautiful shade of baby blue. The scarf wrapped perfectly around her perfect symmetrical face. Her makeup done to a perfection. She has the skills of doing make up that I wish I also had. I know how to do good makeup, but not as good as hers.

 She walks towards me, showing her beautiful smile that can instantly make your day ten times better. "Hey Y/n, how are you?" she asked with a smile on her face. "I am good, how are you?" I asked her, replied to her with a sweet smile. "I'm fine" she replied. 

We begin to walk in the hallway, "How was your day? Did you go somewhere or just stayed home watching Netflix all day?" I asked her. "No, it was the usual. Nothing new happened, but I did go out with my husband" she replied. I forgot to mention that she is married. She has been married for about four years now and I am happy for her.

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It is around 3pm now, I am already getting tired. "How's your leg now sweetie? Is it healing? Do you still feel pain?" I asked one of my patients as I walked towards her since she is lying on a hospital bed. "It feels a lot better actually, thank you" she replied with a smile to assure me.

Time skip:

I was in my office as I got a phone call. I checked the ID and it was my mom. It's been long since I had a conversation with her. I cleared my throat and answered the call while going through some medical reports of my patients. "Hey honey, how are you doing? Are you at work or at home? The time difference still confuses me". I giggled. It has a long time since I came here and she still gets confused with the time difference. "Mom, I'm at work. I am fine and, how are you?". "I am fine as well, if you can spare a minute, then can we have an important discussion?" she asked me. "Of course mom, what is it? Is everything OK?". "Yes. Everything is fine, I just need to tell you something". "What is it?" "We are coming to Korea to visit you, is it OK with you?". I became excited. "OF COURSE!!!!!" I squealed with happiness. 

I felt my eyes watering. I was finally going to meet my parents after a long time. I controlled my emotions and asked her, "when are you coming?" "Next week" she replied. I became even more excited, but that was then taken away from me. "And you're getting married"

"Ahh OK I guess.......wait....WHAT?!?!?!"

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