Chapter 12

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The sun rises as everyone is still asleep. The sound of birds chirruping and cars honking is overheard. The seven young men are sleeping soundly on the charpai-s provided to them. Using Charpai is the first time for the seven men and it wasn't as bad as anyone expected. Surprisingly, they had a better sleep than even they expected.

"God, I think I need to throw out my $90 bed and purchase one of these," Jungkook exclaims as he is now fully awake. A giggle leaves from my mouth as I am relieved. 

"I know right? I never had a night of better sleep, even in those luxurious beds," Namjoon states.

"I am glad that you had a good sleep. Today, we will meet some of my relatives. I am happy that you fellows at least had a good sleep for the day," I say to them. 

"So, what's the plan for today?" Namjoon asks as he returns in the dining area after waking the other fellows still asleep. 

The other members enter the room, now entirely awake. Their bed hair resembling a disaster and marks all over their face indicating a peaceful sleep they got. 

"Right now, let's finish the breakfast and then we can discuss the schedule for today. I am not completely aware of the plan either. All I can say is that today will be hectic," I say while sipping my lassi. 


I stare out of the window as the seven gentlemen stand beside me, waiting for our first guest to arrive. It has been two hours since we finished our breakfast and now we are preparing for the guest. It seems that younger members are more nervous for Taehyung. They have been cheering him for the past two hours as they were getting ready together. 

"You will be fine. Just don't act weird and you should be fine," Jin says while he wipes off Taehyug's sweat.

"How can I be fine when I am about to meet my in-laws who don't even speak my language?" Taehyug says, panting. 

"Everything will be fine. You don't need to be worried. Please don't be anxious," I say. 

I see him slowly calming down after hearing my voice. I feel anxious for him as well, but we can't have everyone freaking out. I don't blame because meeting your in-law with whom you can't communicate freely can be nerve-wracking. 

We still have approximately two hours before it's time for them to come, but all of us are too timid to stay calm. 


"Beta, what do you do for a living?" Uncle Zafar asks Taehyung.

The guests came around two hours before and so far it is going great. As they arrived, the young men were quite shy. This time only Uncle Zafar and his family came. However, the young men are already tired. There will be at least ten more families visiting us today before we decide when to start shopping. They will be one of the central guests at the wedding.

Uncle Zafar is my father's brother. So, he and his family are prominent guests at the wedding. His family consists of him, his young twelve-month old daughter and his wife. 

"I am a singer," Taehyung replies nervously before sipping his chai. His gulp heard clearly.

Uncle Zafar nods, understanding before taking a sip of his drink as well. No one can tell if his nod means disappointment or agreement. 

"Aunt Tehmina would love him," he continues smiling. He then towards RM since he looks the most responsible person. "She loves music. I am sure you all will get along well," He finishes. His statement leaves us relieved. We were nervous that he will not accept their profession. Fortunately, we don't have to be worried about that now.


Their conversation turns more humorous after Uncle Zafar expresses his love for sweets or food in general. Jin steps up the conversation after hearing his food for love. Now, they both are busy sharing dad jokes about food as the rest of us are annoyed. Well, most of us. 

Jimin, Jungkook and Suga are busy playing with Uncle Zafar's daughter. While Taehyung, Jin, RM and I are having a chat with Uncle Zafar and his wife. 


Currently, all of us are having Ia small lunch together. In the Desi tradition, you are required to serve your guests some food or drinks no matter what time they visit. Not serving food is considered impolite. 

"Who's visiting you all after us?" Uncle Zafar's wife asks us kindly. They are aware of the busy day we will have because of the guests.

"Aunt Tehmina and her family is supposed to visit us, but I am not sure if they will make it," I reply.

"Why do you think that?" 

"Because she is busy planning the wedding with my father and others. I am not sure if she has enough time," I reply.

"Oh, did you all start the shopping yet?"

"No?" I reply nervously.

"Beta, start right after we leave. You need to finish shopping as soon as possible. Shopping will take approximately two weeks to complete. They need you to be completed with before they start the building the receptions," Uncle Zafar states.

"Ok, but what about the guests?" RM asks my uncle nicely.

"Don't worry about that son. I will inform them about this situation. I am sure that they will understand. Also, you can meet them after we go to the village for the wedding," Uncle Zafar replies while smiling. 

"Ok, I will have to leave now. Please finish shopping as soon as possible so that it doesn't cause any disturbance for the wedding plans," Uncle Zafar says as kindly as he can, trying not to sound rude. 

"We sure will," I say before we all bid our goodbyes. After we greet, they leave. Now the seven young men, Aunt Mubina and I are the only ones in the house. 

"If all of your relatives are as kind as him then this wedding will be better than any of us expected," Yoongi says as the six young men agree. 

I now become nervous as I think about some of my relatives. They certainly will spread some false rumours after acknowledging this cross-religion wedding.

"Yes, but not all of my relatives are kind..." I say as I see their sudden change in mood.


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