Chapter 5

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   "So, that's all the information that you should know for now," I say as I finish giving her basic information. "I see, I can already imagine the wedding to be fun. I'm sure Taehyung would also be delighted with the idea of the wedding," she replies as she writes down some important information for the wedding.

   "Yes of course, What else would you like to know?" I ask. "Since we already finished the food, would you like to somewhere else and then continue? I can't let you come in the dorm since we haven't fixed a proper time for you two to meet," she says apologetically with guilt evident on her face.

   "It's OK mom, don't worry. I understand we can simply go to my house. Moreover, Mom would be very grateful to have you," I say, trying to not make her feel guilty.

   "OK then, thanks for understanding. Shall we leave? We got so many plannings to do!!" she says excitedly. I chuckle at her cuteness, she didn't change one bit. We pay and head towards my house. 

   As we enter, there is complete silence, no sign of any being. I figure that my mom still hasn't returned. "Would you like anything before we continue?" I ask her politely. 

   "No thanks dear, let's simply continue. Afterwards, I need to tell the information to the people at the dorm to decide how the wedding will turn out". "OK," I say as we head upstairs towards my room. 

   "Sweetie, your room's beautiful," she says as we enter

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   "Sweetie, your room's beautiful," she says as we enter. I can see her small round eyes twinkling in awe. "Thanks, mom," I thank her kindly. "So, shall we continue?" she asks and I reply to her with a quick nod.

   "So, I was wondering where should the wedding location. I want the wedding to be memorable for not only Taehyung but us as well. I want it to be unique. Do you have any ideas in mind?" she asks as she takes out her small pink diary in which she was jotting down her notes earlier.

     "I do have some ideas, however; I am not sure if those are worth time," I say. "Oh, share your ideas. They don't have to be good, we are only brainstorming so it's OK to have all sorts of opinions," she assures me.

  "OK, so I was thinking that since all of us are planning for the wedding to be memorable, maybe we want the wedding to be not in Korea? What I mean is that since we wish to enjoy a different culture, why not have the wedding in that environment as well? We could make the wedding location somewhere in Pakistan so that the guests have the chance to experience a new culture," I suggest nervously, worried about her reaction.

  "Oh my god, that seems like a good idea. I will discuss with the rest of the people back home and then we'll see what to do," she said, agreeing to my suggestion.

  "OK, as you wish, you can always contact me and let me know your thoughts," I say smiling. We then stop this conversation linked with the wedding and have a normal chat. 

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