Chapter 14

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Another night came as the six men were done shopping for their clothes.

"We will be leaving tomorrow morning to reach Khairpur Tamewali. We will not use the train since we didn't have enough time to purchase the tickets. I think it will be the best if we use a car," I explain including them nodding in agreement.

"So, we pack now?" Jungkook asks, puzzled.

"But we have too much stuff to pack now. How will this all fit in the car?" Jimin whines.

"Don't worry. We will only have to get a car with more space," I reassure.

"Plus, we will meet a family on our way to the house we will stay there,"


The daylight eventually appears when we will leave for the village. It is more chaotic than I expected it to be.

"Jungkook, where the fuck did you leave my slippers?" Jin yells at the young lad who is running around to find his huge backpack.

"I did not leave your slippers anywhere! You're the one who snatched them away from me yesterday," the youngest yells back still finding his huge backpack.

It is complete chaos right now while I feel like a babysitter trying to control them. We are "trying" to leave this house before nine am, but it feels like we might take a longer time. The five lads are standing next to me, staring at the oldest and the youngest bickering. Taehyung seems slightly embarrassed because of what I am seeing. Meanwhile, RM is only facepalming because of their oldest brother.

After approximately ten minutes, the two men finally find what they were looking for and walk towards us.

"Let's go and get this marriage done!!!" the oldest lad excitedly yells while getting in the car, causing me and Taehyung to blush.


"Question, why is there a cow in the middle of the highway pooping?" Jin asks in a funny nature.

We are currently out of Lahore on the highway. Everything is good so far. However, I still had to grab extra bottles of the sprite to keep these young men calm. Currently, two lads have their heads resting on my shoulder while my future husband glares at them.

"It's ok Taehyung, I'm fine," I reassure.

"Looks like our little alien is getting jealous," Jin says giggling since he is the one who has his head resting on my shoulder, completely aware of the glares coming from Taehyung.

Taehyung huffs as he turns his attention back towards the window.

We pull-over over a gas station for a little rest from the long drive to relax. The gas station has a small store, bathrooms and small restaurants for the travellers since it is on the highway.

We all groan while stretching once we get out of the minivan. We receive some curious stares since it is not often to see foreigners in small areas of Pakistan. However, we ignore them. 

"So, what's the plan?" Yoongi asks while stretching.

"We'll first fill the gas in this minivan, freshen up and then we can maybe have lunch from that restaurant," Umar says.


Jin leans against the car while it is getting filled with gas. He sees a family walking towards the convenience store and notices a girl looking at him. Oh no, he will do something foolish, wouldn't he? I think to myself. I hope that he doesn't do something unintelligent. 

He winks at the girl while smiling and her father notices. Shit.

The girl's father who looks twice Jin's age furiously marches towards him while yelling in his language, "You! What did you do you crazy punk!".

Luckily, Umar also notices the situation and hurries towards the man before something wrong happens. He kindly stops the girl's father and explains the culture difference. Jin watches looking lost since he doesn't understand the language. Umar explains that Jin is not aware of the culture and doesn't know that it was wrong.

At this point, the members also hurry towards us, looking worried. I can tell that they want to help, but the language barrier is stopping them from interfering the conversation between the man and Umar.  All of them are also confused about what is going on because of the language.

Luckily the man clams down, understanding the culture difference and joins back his family after glaring at Jin one last time.  Umar sighs, relaxingly before walking towards us.

"Dude, you almost got us killed," Umar says as he walks towards Jin. 

"What do you mean? What did he do?" Namjoon asks, confused.

"He winked at the girl in her father's presence. Do you realize how wrong is that in this village area?" Umar asks Jin as he tries to calm himself. 

"In Pakistan, it is considered sinful or shameless when a guy flirts with a woman. I will explain while we are in the car. I understand that it is your habit of winking when you meet eyes, but please try to control on it or otherwise it will get us all in trouble," I request politely and receive a nod from him. 

This journey will be harder than I thought...


Thank you so much for still reading my fanfiction. The plot might not be the best since it is my first story on Wattpad. I will try and make my future projects more enjoyable. Honestly, feel free to leave any recommendations on the fanfictions I will write in the future. I will surely look through them.

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