Chapter 7

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Taehyung's P.O.V:

I am having dinner with the families and my members. We all eat silently, no one dares break the comforting silence. As I lift my gaze towards my mom, I am able to tell that she is uncomfortable with the silence as well. This causes me to wonder if I did something I wasn't supposed to. 

My mom is the one to break the silence, "So, Taehyung, how was your meeting with your future fiance? Did you enjoy your time together? Do you now agree with the marriage?". 

I sense that I have everyone's attention now. I seems that everyone almost forgot about the meeting I had with Y/n. Today definitely was a busy day for everyone so I am guessing it's that why everyone forgot about it. I notice hope and curiosity in every person I met eyes with. 

"Yes, the meeting was good. Also, yes, I do agree with the marriage," I reply to her, shyly, not meeting her eyes. That's when everyone cheers. I see tears in my member's eyes. Seems that they're happy that one of us is going to be getting married now. 

Afterwards, Jin brings several bottles of soju while joining everyone else in cheering. "Amen Sister!!!" he says before everyone repeats the cheer. Everyone takes one bottle and start gulping it down their throat for celebration. I join them as well. I can't believe I will be getting married soon to someone I did not expect to marry. 

Y/n's P.O.V:

"So, how was the meeting? Do you like him?" my mom asks as she nibbles on her food. "Yeah, I think he's nice," I reply, slightly smiling. She nods after hearing my reply.

"When do you think should the marriage happen? Technically, you two are already engaged; you and he just need to go, buy the rings and wear them. The rings need to be purchased to make the future marriage confirmed," she states.

"Anyways, there is going to be a children's performance in the main church two weeks from now, and we have to attend. One of Mr. Kim's niece will be performing there, and they wanted us to attend as well. Taehyung is not aware of our invitation, so it will be a complete surprise for him. Make sure to behave well and don't flirt like you usually do with people," she warns.

"OK," I say, nodding. All of a sudden, a question arises in me, making me find the answer to the confusion. "Why is he unaware of us coming there? What are you and his mom planning?" I question as I knew my mom too well that she is planning something.

"I am unaware of the reason as well. All I know is that she does not wish Taehyung to be aware that you will be present there. That's it," she says before leaving the dining table.

Did I make her upset? Why did she leave without wishing a good night? It was a simple question which required a simple answer. I choose not to give it much thought and simple went upstairs towards my bedroom and get ready to sleep.

Taehyung's P.O.V:


I forgot to ask her number. Now, what am I supposed to do? 

2 days Later~

Taehyung's P.O.V:

"Mom!!! Just give me her number!! I don't understand why are you doing this," I whine. I have been asking her for Y/n's number for approximately right after I came back after meeting Y/n. Every time I ask my mom her number, my mom simply mischievously smirks and ignores me.

"Come on!! Just me the number!" I whine even more, in the hope that she will give up and give me Y/n's number. Unfortunately, she simply smirks more every time.

I give up myself and choose to go to my room. As I enter, I see my members in there. Since I was confused now, I ask them "What are you all doing in here?". 

They move quickly, in nervousness. I then knew that they are hiding something."What are you hiding?".

They laugh nervously. "Um, actually...we have to go, see you later!!" Jin says as he pushes the rest of the members out of my room.  

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Also, I apologize that this chapter is shorter than others. 

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