Chapter 4

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The water is hitting against the window of my room; pitter-pattering against the land. It is pouring rain outside as I do not snooze. My parents sleeping in the guest room, Ajar returned home in the same amusement as I am in right now. I look towards my alarm clock that is sitting gently on my coffee table. Telling it's 4:00 am right now.

I sit-up, not in the frame of mind to sleep. I wrap myself in the warm cozy blanket and lean against the headboard. I cuddle slowly in the blanket, making myself even more comfortable. I slowly turn my gaze towards the window, looking towards the rain falling. I rethink of what happened when we all were inside the restaurant

Back to the Restaurant~

"What do you mean he is Kim Taehyung? As in Kim Taehyung of BTS?" I questioned my mom, shock evident on my face. He used to be one of my family friends when I lived back in Daegu. We never had a conversation, but he did with my parents. The moment he left to become an idol, his mom grew isolated. I wanted to make new friends and to help her, therefore, decided that I would simply give her a hand when unoccupied. Spending time with her when she needed. Helping her when she needed.

"Yes" was simply all that left from my mom's mouth as a reply. "Why him? I mean, he is nice and beautiful, but are you really okay with me marrying a Non-Muslim? You know how judgmental our families are back in Pakistan. They won't stop talking poorly about you behind your back" Ajar stated to my mom, making a good point.

"Yes, I know and  I don't care about their opinion towards your marriage. It is your happiness and only yours. Not theirs. Plus, they will talk poorly no matter what so why should we even bother right?" My father replied. "True, but what about their family. Was it their idea or yours? Are they okay with their son marrying me? Is Taehyung even aware of it yet?" I ask. 

"Yes, actually it was his mother's idea. She really likes you; to the point that she wants you to be her daughter-in-law. Taehyung probably got to know about the marriage a couple of days ago. Your mother talked with their family and it seems that he is actually interested in the marriage". I was shocked. Why is he interested in this marriage if we haven't even had a single conversation yet?

Back to Present~

I am still dazed. I sigh out of confusion. Leaving the confusion to be cleared when I meet him in person. I wonder how is he behind the camera. He seems to be a good person on camera and I hope that he is like that behind the camera as well. 

I slowly lay down on my warm, comfortable bed and attempt to sleep again. This time, my effort worked and I slowly drift to sleep. 

3 days later~

Y/n's P.O.V:

As I am ready to leave the house to go to work, my mom walks in with an excited face telling me that she has some exciting news

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As I am ready to leave the house to go to work, my mom walks in with an excited face telling me that she has some exciting news. I see her almost jumping in excitement with her holding her phone. She then squeaks in excitement, holding my arms gently and then shaking me aggressively. The news better be good for her to be jumping like this. 

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