Chapter 21

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Hello everyone! Please read this!

Thank you for coming to read the last chapter of this ff. I just wanted to say how thankful I am for your support. I feel so blessed knowing that there are people who like to read what I write. I feel so blissful that people like my work. I would try my best and be better on the next fanfiction you read.

Just a disclaimer that I did not make smut for this chapter because this is a fanfiction related to Islam. One of my readers recommended me not to write smut because this is a story related to Islam. The reader is correct. Therefore, this last part of the fanfiction will not include sexual content. Though there is romance, it's not that intense for it to be known as smut. 

I hope you forgive me if you were expecting smut in this chapter. I deeply apologize. I understand if you were excited to read it, but please understand. I will add it in my future fanfictions if you want. 

Anyways, this is the last chapter!! Let's go!! I am so excited for you to read my next fanfiction XD

Description of the upcoming BTS fanfiction will be at the end of this chapter. However, please read this chapter and don't skip to know about the fanfiction.

Anyways, enjoy!!!!


The final day of the marriage has finally come as now my back is sore. The sound of the birds chirping was noticeable as I continue laying on my back. My aunties screaming at their kids for being disobedient fills the house. 

My stomach suddenly starts to hurt as I get up. I run to the bathroom, not caring that I am naked. Warm liquid pours out of my mouth as I crouch down on the floor in front of the toilet and let it pour inside it. 

I feel myself getting slightly dizzy caused by the vomiting and rest my hand on the floor for support. I try to move my hair back and try to find a comfortable position in which my head is not hurting. 

I wave of pain shoots my head as a moan of pain escapes my lips. 

I feel someone walk rushing towards me from behind as I begin to panic. I remember that I left the bathroom's door open as now anyone can enter and see me naked and vomiting in the toilet. 

"Hey cutie, are you okay? What happened?" Taehyung asks as he rushes into the washroom with a blanket. 

He walks towards me and crouches down beside me. I feel him wrap the warm wine-coloured blanked around my naked body so that I don't feel awkward in front of him.

"Hey, everything will be alright," Taehyung says as he caresses my covered back.


"What?!?!" Ajar almost screams as she is accompanying me while the stylist gets me ready for the Walima.

"Oh my gosh, don't tell me that he made you pregnant in one night! Yaas I am finally becoming an aunt! There is no other explanation for your vomiting after the wedding night," Ajar squeals excitedly.

"No, I am not pregnant,"

It is now evening as everyone is in their house preparing for the Walima. The stylist and I are now close friends as we all three talk with each other. There is nobody else in the room except for my two friends and me as they try to get me to spill the information about last night.

 "Well, my back was sore this morning-"

"Oh my gosh!!" The stylist squealed. "I believe he went rough," she teases as she wiggles her eyebrows.

"No, that's not true," I reply nervously. I nervously laugh as the memories from last night come back to my head while my friends stare at me like they don't believe me.

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