Chapter 18

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Disclaimer!! Please read this!

I am not aware of the events that happen to those people who are about to get married since I am not of those yet. So, some of these events might not have occurred among Pakistani married couples.

I just wrote and mentioned the events that I assume usually happen. I have attended quite a few Pakistani weddings since I am from Pakistan (but living in Canada) but I am not married so, I am not conscious of the personal situations that happen among the couples that are about to get married.

Therefore, I would like to sincerely apologize for any incorrect information mentioned in the story.


A new morning arrives again as I wake up. The first noise that reaches my ear after I wake up is the sound of someone yelling. I squint my eyes, trying to adjust with the bright sunlight shining from the window. As I get used to the new lighting, I force myself up and let out a long yawn.

I push myself off the bed and sleepily walk towards the bathroom. 

As I am brushing my teeth, I hear a noise from the outside.

I walk towards the room where I heard the weird noises from and lean my ear against the shut door.

I start to hear the same unusual noises of someone I heard when I was in the room. I lean my ear closer to the door while the toothbrush is still in my mouth. I frown as I find the voice similar. 

I then realize that these are the moans of satisfaction and pleasure that I am hearing. It suddenly clicks that these sounds belong to Yoongi. I cover my mouth that still has the toothbrush in it with my hands as I hear another person with him. The person does not speak, so I only hear the sounds of him or her moving.

I argue with myself inside my head for if I should open the door and warn Yoongi about the consequences or leave the warning for later. After a couple of minutes of panicking, I open the door and shut my eyes as I walk in. 

Anxious, I open my eyes, turn around facing the door and lock it. I nervously turn around, wishing to find what I hope it's not. 

Yoongi is not aware of how much he might get in trouble if he is having an affair with a village girl or a boy. It may not be as much of a problem for him since people will take it as his culture. However, it will be more hard for the other person if he or she lives in this village.

Usually, people living in these small villages don't have as much freedom as they wish they received. It is not the same for all of the families, because there also are quite a few families which allow more freedom to their family members. 

A relieved sigh escapes my moisturized tinted lips as the scene in front of me turns out to be far better than what I expected it to be. I realized that I was holding in my breath this entire time. I feel my muscles relax as a small smile slowly stretches my lips. 

In front of me, I see Yoongi laying in my grandmother's lap and my grandmother giving him a head massage. He has a small relaxed smile displaying his lips as he enjoys the massage he is receiving. My grandmother chuckles after seeing his facial expressions and continues the massage. I suppose the moans were from him as he was enjoying the feeling of the massage.


A new morning arrives once again as today is the Engagement. In other words, today is the ceremony where a ring would enter on my ring finger for the first time for Taehyung and me. It is also called, "Mangani" that is a translation for Engagement. 

A Mangani confirms the fact the couple is formally engaged. Mangani is the only ceremony that has fewer guests. Compared to the rest of the receptions, this event has the least amount of guests. Only the main family members of the couple's family participate in this event, making it the least crowded. 

I wake up with an intense headache caused by being awake late last night because of the guests. I let out a loud sigh as I try to massage my temple to ease some of the pain. 

All of a sudden, the members of BTS marge in the room while laughing. Confused, I look at the time and wonder why are up so early. My eyes widen as I realize while staring at the clock that it's not them who woke up early; it's me who's late.

A sudden wave of panic hits me as I rush towards the washroom and brush my teeth. After a minute of brushing my teeth and washing my face, I exit the bathroom and run towards the main hall where my mother is reasonably waiting for me. 

The lads run behind to follow me, now also realizing that I haven't started getting ready yet. I turn my head and greet them a quick good morning to which they respond kindly before continuing to rush towards the main hall.

I notice a clock on the wall beside me as I run towards the main hall where my relatives and family members usually stay. I stop on my track and take a glimpse on the clock as I realize that it is two hours past noon.

This time I run faster towards the main hall. My makeup artists and stylists which were going to dress me up will be here in three hours and yet I still haven't eaten my breakfast.

I finally reach the main hall and crouch down while breathing heavily. My heart rate still doesn't calm down as I place my hand on my chest. I still have my hands on the knees as Taehyung rests his hand on my shoulder to calm my breathing.


Thank you so much for reading!!

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. 

Important disclaimer: This ff will be ending soon since there is only the engagement, Barat and Valima to come. I will start writing the next ff right after this one finishes as I already have the next one planned. This ff didn't really have a proper climax because this ff was made to reasonably give information on how a Pakistani marriage is. However, the next ff has a better storyline.

I sincerely apologize if you were looking for a climax in this fanfiction. Please understand that this was my first fanfiction and I wasn't sure how this ff was going to be. 

The next ff has the storyline already planned. I hope that you will like my upcoming ff better than this one. I will not reveal which type of BTS ff yet. You will find out about that soon.

I truly appreciate that you are still reading my fanfictions. I couldn't be happier. I thank you a lot for trusting me to write content that is worthy of your time. I will continue to give you better content.

Thank you!

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