Chapter 2

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I don't own the following pics except for my cover of the book so the credits go to the real respectful owners. Enjoy ; )

"Ahh Ok I guess........wait.....WHAT!?!?!?"

"Yes, you're getting married" she said. I was beyond shocked. What does she mean I am getting married? I know I should be getting married now, but that doesn't mean that she is just going to marry me off to someone. "what do you mean that I am getting married? I can't just marry someone, it doesn't work like that" "I know, but it's not like we are forcing you, you can think of it as a dating app thing. We introduce you to someone, you spend some time together and get married if you think that you guys are compatible" she explained herself. 

 "OK then, bye mom. I need to get going" I said, not wanting to end the call, but I have to. Another patient is going to see me after a while and I don't want them to keep waiting. "OK bye. Take care and don't scare them off if you're tired" she said. I chuckled at her comment. "Yeah sure". I ended the call. I am still stunned, she mentioned my marriage so suddenly. Before today, she had never mentioned me getting married. Is that guy really that good that she wants me to meet him even though I am not interested? I guess we'll see.

I then get a phone call, "Hello Dr. Y/n, your patient is here. Would you like me to send him in?" the receptionist asked me. "Of course, please let him in." I replied kindly.

Meanwhile with Taehyung:

Taehyung's  POV: 

Today, we invited our families to the dorm for dinner. I see Jin Hyung having a chat with Suga's mother. A smile lifts my lips as I view them. I directed my face towards Suga Hyung, who was again lying down on the couch with Holly. They are so lovable together. My smile widened this time. I do not have Yeotan with me since, Jhope's sister is playing with him upstairs. Why does Tan ignore me when we have guests over? He would beg for my attention all day, but the second another person walks in, he leaves me and ignores me until the person leaves the dorm. 

All of our moms come in the living room and call us that the dinner is ready. I become excited. It has been a while since I tasted my mom's cooking. I and the others sat on our huge dining table. I see the mouthwatering dishes already served at the table and I can't wait to try it! I take a bite, slowly to savour the pleasurable taste of the food that our moms made together. It is very rare that we get to have dinner together and I am so glad that today we had the chance. Then, I heard Namjoon Hyung breaking a plate somehow. When throws the broken plates in the bin, he breaks his glasses as well. How the fuck does he do that? I sighed before chuckling. This Hyung...

Suddenly, my mom calls for attention. We all divert our attention towards her in curiosity. "Hello, I just wanted to talk about a decision that I made. I am sure you all will be excited once you hear it.",  she said eagerly. I became even more curious to know about the decision she had. "I am arranging my son, Taehyung to get married to someone!!" she said excitedly. 

I then heard Jin  and Hosoek Hyung choking on their kimchi. The spice got into their throat so now, they was coughing uncontrollably. I didn't know what was happening. What the heck? Where did that come from? What do you mean arranged? My eyes were as wide as Shakespeare's soul right now.

I turn my gaze around the table, I saw the other members rubbing Jin's and Jhope's backs to ease the coughing. The members were shocked even more than me. Then, I see my grandmother excited, almost jumping? I had never seen my grandma grin so much. "Isn't it a little early to get married? If he gets married, then everyone is going to make fun of me being single and still unmarried", said Jin whining. Seriously? Over here, my mom's making my life decisions that I should be making and this fucker is only worried about his image. Suga Hyung looks over to Jin Hyung, giving him a "really bruh?" expression. His eyes glaring him to shut up.

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