Chapter 11

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Y/n's P.O.V:

I stare outside the window as we are stuck in the traffic. It is two in the morning, but there is still a huge amount of people outside enjoying the weather. My gaze travels towards the members who are peacefully asleep. I can tell that they had a hard flight. The windows closed are blocking the sounds of car horns from travelling in. I then begin to wonder about how they will think of my family.

We both have different cultures and I am afraid it would be hard for them to adjust. I am not worried about Namjoon or Jin because they are mature sometimes and are not the type of people who complain. Taehyung had warned me when we talked in Korea that it is usually the younger members who have a harder time to adapt to different environments.

I gaze back to the outside of the window as the traffic is starting to clear. In Lahore, people stay awake longer which causes there to be more traffic during nights. I start recognizing the streets as we are getting closer to the house. 

The closer we get to my grandmother and grandfather's house, the more nervous I become.

I feel Tae stirring beside me which indicates that he will be awake soon. 

Tae sits up, correcting his posture as I turn towards him, greeting him with a smile. 

"Did you have a good sleep?" I whisper towards him, not wanting to wake the other young men sleeping.

"Ahh yes, I did. Didn't you sleep? Are you not tired?" he questions me with a frown displaying his beautiful face.

"No, I am not tired. It is always hard for me to sleep when I am not at my house," I explain.

Then we both stay silent for a while and we do not object it. I view that he is still tired. His sleepy eyes don't lie.

"Seems like you had a hard flight," I break the silence and receive a low chuckle as a response. 

"Yes, I did. However, it is not your fault. We are too used to having first-class seats so it is weird having a sudden change. We did miss taking the normal seats, but I suppose we won't anymore".

I laugh at his comment before the silence invades again. 

"Are we near yet?" He questions as his gaze turn towards me.

"Yes actually. Please wake the boys, because we should be there in approximately 15 minutes".


"So, this is your grandparent's house?" Suga questions me with a frown on his face.

"Yes," I reply, smiling

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"Yes," I reply, smiling. I can tell that some of them were expecting more and some of them not. 

"Well, come in. I'm sure that everyone has been waiting for your appearance," I reply, leading them towards the door.

"Just prepare yourselves to get your cheeks squeezed" I warn as we make our way inside.

"Don't worry guys, I am sure it won't be that bad," Taehyung reassures the nervous group of men.


"Omg, Mashallah, your future husband is so cute!!" Mubina auntie squeals as she violently squeezes Taehyung's cheeks. I can see his eyes wandering towards me, asking for help.

"Told ya," I whisper towards the members politely standing next to me.

As Mubina auntie lets go of his cheeks, she stretches towards the other members next to me and I see them gulping from the corner of my eyes. Jimin and Yoongi slowly hide behind my back, trying to disappear as they are shorter than me.

"Auntie, let's go and show them around before you pull their cheeks out as well. They are tired so why not give them some food and allow them to rest? You guys can get to know each other tomorrow," I say, trying to distract her mind from squshing the other's cheeks as well. 

"Oh yeah," she laughs. "Sorry beta, they are just so khoobsurat that I forgot that they were tired."

She states before leading us towards the dining room. The dining table has mouth-watering dishes such as Karahi, korma, biryani, kabab etc. I feel myself almost drooling by the display of the food. I just realized how much I missed Pakistani food.

"Maybe staying here won't be as bad as I thought it would be," Jin and Jungkook say drooling before making their way towards the table. 


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"Auntie, how did you manage to make all this much food? I don't see any of the other relatives around so who helped you to make all this?" I say, still shocked by the amount of food placed on the table

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"Auntie, how did you manage to make all this much food? I don't see any of the other relatives around so who helped you to make all this?" I say, still shocked by the amount of food placed on the table.

We all are eating while Jin is already on his second plate. 

"Actually, some of the relatives who drove all the way from Kherpur to meet you all helped me. However, they realized there won't be enough bedrooms left for you. They decided to sleep somewhere else and will come to meet you tomorrow," she explains.

"I see. Well, we all would be happy to meet them tomorrow," RM says.


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