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Taehyung and I have been married now for five years. In those five years, a lot went down. Those five years weren't easy because of our different cultural and family backgrounds, but we were always there for each other. Through the dark and bright times, we always had each other's back. Even though not all of the people were satisfied with this marriage, we both grew a strong bond and knew we won't leave each other no matter what obstacles come.

Although the Army was expecting to see some footage of the wedding, they were still happy with the pictures taken of the wedding. We received the opposite of the reaction we were expecting from the Army.

We were expecting the Army to be angry or disappointed about BTS not telling them anything about the wedding and keeping it a secret, but their reaction was nothing like that.

They were supportive and happy for Taehyung as they knew how much of a big deal the Korean media makes it when it comes to idols dating. The seven lads were touched and went live on the V app with me to thank them. After that v-live, I started to receive numerous gifts from fans all around the world; I couldn't be more touched. The army was way kind and sweeter than I assumed them to be.

Through these years, I and Army developed a beautiful relationship that I would describe as best friends or sisters. 

Taehyung and I bought an apartment near the Bighit building so that it would be easier for him to go without much problem. I got pregnant 4 months ago.

I am cooking some food for our new neighbours who just moved in 3 days ago. I know who they are, but I am not sure if Taehyung does.

However, Taehyung doesn't like the idea. He doesn't want me doing anything except going for work and come straight home without going anywhere else. These past few weeks, he has been overprotective that was sort of irritating. For the most time, I ignored him and did what he said without questioning as the pregnancy made me not want to do anything anyways.

"Why are you wasting your energy for those people anyway? If you want to give them food then I can just go to a restaurant and buy them takeout," Taehyung says with a face that showed how concerned he was. He didn't like the idea of me using too much of my energy while I am pregnant to cook food for someone when we have the option of buying it instead.

"What do you mean by them takeout? oh come on Taehyung, being kind to our new neighbours won't be bad," I reply. 

Did he even know who his new neighbours were?

"Does not matter. You are carrying a child; they shouldn't be the reason for you to work in this condition," he replied.

"You're overreacting, I am fine. I am not exhausted at all, don't worry Taehyung," I replied, trying to reassure him.

I continued to stir the food in the pan on the stove so that it doesn't burn. 

I didn't notice when he grasped the spatula from my hand, laid it beside the pot and guided me towards the dining table in the corner of the kitchen.

I followed his lead as I knew he would not listen to me if I complained. I sat on the dining table chair as he turned the chair beside me and sat on it so that he is facing me.

"Who are these new neighbours anyway-" he gets interrupted with the doorbell that was rung not stop by the unknown person outside.

He rolls his eyes while groaning as he turns around and walks towards the door. He opens the door, annoyed but not showing it. Before he could move his eyes towards the unexpected visitors waiting outside the now opened door, the visitors' excited screams made him divert his attention towards the door rapidly. 

There outside the opened door stood the six hyungs he hadn't met in almost a month due to the vacation he took. A shocked expression forms on his face as he stares at his hyungs, not sure what to say.

Before he could say anything, the six hyung run inside to greet me and the unborn child inside my womb.

After a while of over-enthusiastic greeting to my unborn child, Taehyung finally gets a chance to question, "Babe, why are they here? Weren't the new neighbours suppose to visit us for dinner?"

"Taehyung, you didn't let me finish when we were talking earlier, they are our new neighbours. Your hyungs are the new neighbours,"

The end~



Now, before any of you question where the heck did the new chapter come all of a sudden, honestly, I don't know myself. Dropping an epilogue was completely unexpected. One of the viewers was wishing for an epilogue so I made it for them.

If you're the one who requested the epilogue, I hope this is what you were looking for. I am so sorry I kept you waiting for so long and still made a shitty epilogue. I still hope this epilogue was good enough. 

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