Chapter 13

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Urdu Vocabulary for help:

Chai: An Indian or Pakistani style tea added with milk that people drink usually with breakfast. It can be consumed at other times as well.

Charpai: is a traditional woven bed used in countries like India or Pakistan because of the hot weather. 

Bazaar: A market in Urdu.

Kurta: A Kurta is a loose collarless outfit worn by men in countries like Pakistan and India


Currently, the seven gentlemen and I are on our way towards a commercial bazaar for shopping. My and Taehyung's mothers are supposed to join us there. The theme for the wedding previously has been selected. 

"So, where are we heading to?" RM asks politely. I honestly don't know why we are going there either. We were only told to join them there.

"We will be joining my and Taehyung's moms at the Fortress. It is a quite famous commercial area in the Defence," I reply. 

"Is it like a commercial area for wedding shopping?" Yoongi asks, slightly confused.

"You could say that. Honestly, I am just as confused as you. I was only told to go there with you all," I reason.


"Here we are," Umar announces since he is responsible for our transportation from now on.

"Here we are," Umar announces since he is responsible for our transportation from now on

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"This is a quite big commercial area known in Lahore," I inform

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"This is a quite big commercial area known in Lahore," I inform. 

"I see,"

"Why are we here in the evening and not morning if we needed to shop?" Jin asks.

"In Pakistan, the shops are not usually opened early in the morning. People come after evenings, so they only open the shops in the evening. The shops are commonly open nearly all night," Umar explains.


We step back in the house completely exhausted. We were out trying to find the kurtas for the six fellows. Taehyung and I's parents will choose our outfits for all of the receptions. We just found out that they are almost done with our outfits as well. 

Jin moans from exhaustion as he crashes on the sofa and unconsciously falls asleep. RM accompanies him and collapses on the couch as well.

"I guess all of us will have some good sleep tonight," Jhope says while looking at the two elders already snoring on the couch.

"I guess you're right," Suga replies, immediately heading towards his charpai to sleep. He doesn't even care if he is still in his casual clothes or is wearing accessories.

None of us change clothes and go to sleep not minding the floor flooded with our shopping bags.


The morning comes plus the house is quieter than ever. The car honks and people selling vegies on stalls is hearable. All of a sudden, the sound of a rooster crowing disturbs the precious sleep of the seven men. 

Then seven men bolt up and sit straight while screaming in shock. They start looking around, trying to find the source of the strange noise they just heard. As they locate the source of noise still crowing, they groan in frustration.

"Aish you bitch. Quit interrupting my nap. If you don't, I will grill you and shove you down a stray cat's throat," Yoongi yells in frustration.


The seven men and I are again eating breakfast with my aunt still sleepy because of one rooster. RM is having his breakfast slowly since he is tired. However, Jin is eating quickly, even if he is tired as well.  

It is noticeable by the men's eyes that they are still tired. I feel bad for them as I eat. Today will be twice as hectic as yesterday. 

"So, what are the plans for today?" Jin asks as he swallows his food. 

All of them turn their gazes towards me in the hope of the answer they wish to hear. I nervously reply.

"Sorry to say this, but today will be twice as hectic as yesterday. Now, we need to finish off you six lads. The relatives that are preparing the wedding with our parents called and said that we should be there as soon as possible. There were some misunderstandings in the plan. 

"But we didn't get enough sleep to walk that much," Jimin and Yoongi whine. They look so cute doing that, but now is not the time to joke around.

"I understand. However, I have no charge over all this. For some reason, our message involving us being late didn't reach so we have to hurry up. I didn't get good sleep either since we were out till around two am," I reply gloomily.

"So, all of us will be walking again to find the clothes?" Jimin asks as he sips his chai.

"No, only Jin, RM and Jungkook are the ones who still have to buy the clothes. They will shop with Umar. The rest of you will be here with the aunt. Taehyung and I won't stay here. Since we are the ones getting married, we are invited to a lot of dinners to congratulate us," I explain.

"Oh boy," RM says as he starts getting ready for his another hectic day of shopping.


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