Chapter 15

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"Are we there yet?" a faithful voice reaches me from behind me. 

"No," I answer the fifteenth time. It's been six hours since we exited Lahore and it has not been pleasant. 

First of all, the oldest almost got us all in trouble. I am so exhilarated that Umar stopped the man before anything wrong went down. I should've warned the oldest lad about the consequences. 

Secondly, we ran out of sprite in the minivan. The young men gave Umar and I a hard time until we purchased some sprite bottles. They kept whining and complaining about not having some Sprite bottles. I am confused about how calm the Sprite makes them.

Now, we are stuck in traffic. There is a strike taking place while we are trying to find a way out. We plan to reach my the destination around 4 pm, but it seems like there is a change in the plan now. Now, we are forced to take the longer route.

The lads are starting to get sleepy, and they are not the ones to blame. It has been a long drive, but the journey has not ended yet.

"You all can sleep if you want, we still have ten more hours of driving," I inform as they gasp at the amount of driving left.

The Strike caused our time to delay. The Strike increased our time of driving because we planned to reach an hour ago. 

I turn my gaze back towards the lads who are either busy sleeping or staring out of the window. I can easily classify that they want this long drive to end. I don't blame them since I am tired as well. 

"Guys, let's stop by a restaurant,"


The sky turns darker and darker each second while we are still on the road. The journey unquestionably became longer than any of us expected. I glance at Umar who looks just as tired as everyone while driving. I feel bad since he has to do all of the driving. However, we have no choice. He is the only person in the car who has a Pakistani driving license. 

I suddenly feel a soft and moisturized hand grab mine. Shocked, I turn my gaze towards the owner of the hand-Taehyung. His eyes sparkle as he smiles warmly towards me. I don't notice when I get lost in them, not aware of my surroundings anymore.

The members too busy to notice us staring into each other's eyes. Since we are in the back, no one notices our hands and eyes on each other.

His hold on my hand tightens as he slowly leans towards me. I feel my heart fluttering as I don't know how to react. I am not very used to have moments like this with anyone, so I often get nervous quickly. 

I want to lean forward as well, but I can't. I wish that something interrupts this powerful moment. However, I also want nothing to interrupt us for a long time. I am quite aware that we are not supposed to have a moment like this before marriage, but I don't want to follow the rules at this moment.

I feel the blood rushing towards my cheeks as I lean a little forwards as well. I warm smile stretches my lips as our faces a few centimetres apart.

A loud laugh comes from the front and our intense moment is interrupted. I quietly thank the person because we both were about to make a mistake we should not have. 


"Guys, we are almost there," Umar announces to the lads who are either sleeping or on their phones. 

The sunset already occurred four hours ago and now outside is nothing, but dark. The stars shine brightly, decorating the pitch black sky. The lads who are awake, watch the sky in awe. I still sit beside Taehyung except, he is currently asleep. 

Umar and I wake the lads who are asleep because of us finally getting closer to our destination. The lads whine at the idea of waking up, for which I don't blame them. We have to wake them up while the car is still driving since it is not safe to stop the vehicle in the middle of nowhere and expect it to be safe. This area is known for getting your cars stolen and we don't wish to risk it. 

Everyone is now awake as we enter the village. The seven young men watch in curiosity as we enter a very different place from what they have seen. It is so quiet that some people might find it scary. The lights of the houses are off since it is eleven in the night.  

The night is as dark as a lump of coal, decorated by the shining stars. The young men watch in curiosity as we turn in the thinner streets. The path is so slim that it barely has room for two cars to drive beside each other. We cautiously drive through the small road. The slender route leads us to a cream coloured door.


"Oh my god!!! He is such a cutie," Aunt Samina says as she squeezes Taehyung's cheeks. Meanwhile, Jimin, Suga, Jungkook and Jin hide behind me to prevent getting their cheeks squeezed. I can accurately observe fear with the mix of nervousness in their eyes.

Aunt Samina tries to squeeze the cheeks of the lads behind me, but I stop her. I try to explain to her how shy the lads are, but she still squeezed their cheeks.


"Why do your desi aunts have to squeeze our cheeks? It has been 2 hours and my cheeks are still red," Yoongi whine as we are now in the hallway of our rooms.

"Sorry Yoongi, but I did what I was able to stop her from squeezing your cheeks," I explain. 

Yoongi sighs as he walks ahead of the guys. As we enter his and Jimin's room, Yoongi crawls to his bed and immediately falls asleep. His legs have no more energy even though we didn't do much walking.

The rest of us now walk towards Jungkook's and Tae's room. Their room has the theme of royal dark colours. It is furnished with average priced furniture but seems expensive from the appearance. I wonder if the lads unquestionably believe that the furniture is costly because it is not.


Now I finally the room I will be staying in until the wedding. As I lay down with a sigh, one of my aunts I don't like walks in. 

I still approach her with respect, but she seems way over-serious to greet me back.

"Is it a love marriage?" is the first thing she says since she entered my room. I shake my head as a response.

"Stop lying," she replies, annoyed.

"I'm not lying," I solely say because I am quite tired to deal with her now.

"Don't behave like that? I asked you a question. Stop lying, I know it is a love marriage," she argues.

"And I am also responding that it's a arrange marriage," I respond. I now become irritated.

She now begins to shout at me for being annoying. Growing up, she always abused me but never let anyone know about it. I tried several times to get help, but it never worked. She was about to march towards me when the door slams open.

I raise my tearful eyes towards the door and see Taehyung with confusion in his eyes.

I drop back my gaze down, aware that he will not believe me when I tell him about my aunt. Aunt's aura swiftly changes as she makes an explanation for informing me of the good news. Aunt deceives that a piece of good news lead my eyes to become teary and departs the room. 

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