Chapter 8

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Y/n's P.O.V: 

I am getting ready to go to church. Being honest, I am not interested in going there, but I have no choice. I have been to one of these church performances before, and they are usually don't interest me. The only reason why I am attending this event is Taehyung.

As I enter the church, I meet the aroma of different perfumes coming from different people. It seems that there are around a hundred to two hundred people attending. Red velvet curtains in front, stopping the audience to peek at the performers. The walls decorated with different textures of ancient Greece. The sounds of different people chattering filling my ears, causing them to hurt a little.

I take a seat in the second last row because I don't want to have the attention of the performers. I see people getting excited to view the young children and present what they wish to present. I feel the Kim family entering the hall from the corner of my eyes.

I suddenly become anxious and unaware of how I should be acting. I am not sure if I should stand up and greet them or simply pretend like I did not notice them. I choose to stand up and walk towards them. The audience consists of significant or very rich people so that's why there aren't fans or a lot of reporters allowed here. 

My family and I were given a special invitation from Taehyung's family, that's why we are here. 

I see Taehyung entering the hall. I was informed that his niece is going to perform here. He then notices me and smiles. I feel my heart stopping. I attempt not to blush as my heart beat becomes unsteady. I feel my cheeks warming up as the blood rushing towards the apple of my cheeks. 

I smile back as bow slightly to greet him and he bows back. I wonder if his members came with him, I wish they did since I was wishing to meet them. It seems that they are not going to attend this event which leaves me disappointed. 

I sigh as I turn back to my mother who is currently having a chat with Taehyung and his mom. While they are chatting, he simply is standing there and listening to their conversation. 

We make eye contact all of a sudden and he smiles as his eyes meet mine. I return the smile.  

We both keep standing awkwardly next to our parents who are talking about today's generation. They keep complaining about 'the kids nowadays' while we awkwardly take glances of each other.

Finally, their conversation ended as the staff announced that the performance is about to begin. Before I could go and find my seat, Taehyung heads towards me and awkwardly asks, "May I have your number?".

I become confused and thought that his or my parents gave him my contact number so that he doesn't have to ask me. "Didn't your parents give you my number?" I ask, kindly and get a 'no' as an answer. 

I head towards my seat after we exchanged contacts. I sit in the fourth last row, and he sits at the row behind me. I am currently sitting by myself since my parents had no choice but to sit in the front. Taehyung's parents are also sitting next to my parents. Taehyung is currently sitting with his grandmother behind me. 

It has been around two hours, but the performances have not come to an end. I am starting to get bored, and I am sure that Taehyung is as well. I heard his yawns a couple of times throughout the performance so far.

Out of a sudden, I unexpectedly receive a text. I didn't have my notifications on, but I did see the screen lighting up, so I assumed that I received a text. I check the message and notice that I received it from an unknown person. I checked it either way and it said, "Hey, it's me Taehyung. Please save my number".

I certainly did not realize when a smile crept to my lips. I also did not realize when I blushed slightly. "Hey, are you enjoying the performances so far? I did not like it.  I am pretty sure that you already yawned at least ten times," I text him back and earned a giggle from him.

"Yes, I hate to admit this but I don't like it either. Why are the performances so long?" he texts back.

We kept chatting as the performance continued. Both of us did not give any interest in the show anymore. Both of us were lost in our own little world we just created. I kept sensing his grandmother giving him weird looks as he quietly laughed in the phone. I never imagined that we would get along so quickly. I pictured us fighting or arguing over the reason for us getting married, but I was surprised that none of that happened. I am very grateful for that.

"Do you have a band-aid? Because I scratched my knees falling for you," he texted and received a quiet laugh from me. I fight my urge to laugh loudly since the show is still continuing and text back, "On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?". I hear him laughing again, his laugh has already become music to my ears. 

"Are you an alien? Because you just abducted my heart," he texts and I giggle. This time, I decide to become a boss and text a pickup line which will leave him shocked. "You remind me of my pinkie toe....little, cute, and I'll probably bang you on the coffee table later tonight". I still don't know why we chose to send each other pickup lines rather than chatting, but I am not complaining.

I hear him laughing and it is more like a shocked laugh. I think that he choked as well because his coughs are now echoing in the hall. Luckily, the music is fading them. "Isn't that the kind of the pickup line that a man would send?" he texts and I can sense that he is smiling widely.

I giggle as I text back, "Yes, but I wanted to shock you and it seems that I got the victory". He chuckles and replies, "I never knew you're the kind of person to flirt like this". 

"Honey, you have to learn so much about me," I text back. This time, he giggles loudly and his grandmother glares at him. "What are you laughing at? Oh my god, you kids are on your phones all day long. At least leave your phone to see the performance. What did your mother eat before giving birth to you? Kids these days," she mutters, annoyed. 

The guests are leaving and half of the hall is empty now. The sounds of peoples' chatter lowing down. I turn around and notice our parents talking to him about something, quietly. After a couple of seconds, he turns around and walks towards me with a wide grin. 

I smile back as he approaches me. "Hey, mine and your parents wanted to know when should we head to Pakistan for the wedding. What do you think?" he asks and my smile widens.

"Um, after a week? I am not sure. The wedding maybe after a month, but the preparations usually take a longer time to get done. Especially the shopping," I reply, my smile still not leaving my lips. 

"After a week, it is," he replies with a smile. He slowly walks back to our parents and informs them about our final decision. It seems that they are satisfied as all of them start cheering. 

All of us are still in the hall since his grandmother needed to go and fetch his niece. We are still somehow cheering and I notice mine and his parents giving each other a high-five. Perhaps, this was the plan my mother was planning. 

He comes towards me and embraces me in his arms. I am shocked now, I will have to teach him how to act around desi parents. He can't hug me in front of them.

"I am finally going to have grandchildren!!" his grandmother yells excitedly after she came back with Taehyung's niece.

Taehyung and I widen our eyes.

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