Chapter 16

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A new morning approaches as now the seven young men sleep in a new environment. The melody of birds chirping as well as the irritating sound of the cows mooing could be heard. The sun shines as the hot air touches the environment. The smell of women preparing breakfast fills the air. The lads are still asleep except for Namjoon who is looking at the children as if he is judging them.

"Y/n, why the toddlers are running around naked?" he questions in a funny style.

I giggle at his remark. I inform him that their mothers were maybe bathing them. It is common for kids to run around bare in these small societies of Pakistan.

"Good morning, Namjoon," Namjoon's mother greets him.

His and the rest of the member's parents came yesterday as well. Everyone appears thrilled as now the married couple has arrived. Since I am the only child, my parents desired this marriage to be very special. Of course, I objected. Still, they didn't listen to me.

"Mother, how are you? Why are you up so early?" Namjoon asks. His mother grins tiredly.

"Your father's snores were too loud for me to sleep," she replies, tired.

It is six in the morning, but I am awake. I am impressed with myself since I never woke up this early before.

"Mrs. Kim, you may rest in my room if you please, there is no one there so, I am sure that you will have a peaceful sleep," I state while grinning.

"Oh my gosh, thank you Y/n. You're an angel," his mother says with a relieved sigh and runs towards my room.

Namjoon giggles at the sight of his mother and goes back to on staring at people. Today, we will have the reception of Henna celebration also known as Mehndi organized by Taehyung's family. Tomorrow, we will have a Henna celebration prepared by my family.

You probably are wondering about the idea of our families arranging the wedding receptions except for us. In Pakistan or India's culture, it is usually the soon-to-be-married couple's parents who do the majority of the wedding preparations.


"Why isn't the broom still not awake?" the man who is here to check the fitting of the outfits Taehyung will be wearing for this wedding asks.

"Please understand, they recently came to this country and are still adjusting to the constant changes in the environment," Tae's mom says. The man agreed and went back to take a seat and wait for the fifth time.

Everyone in the house has been worried where Tae has been since he hasn't come out of his room for hours. My mom recently got aware of the intense moment we had back in the car and asked me to keep a distance between us till the marriage has ended. I wanted to object, but then realized why she advised me. My family that lives in Pakistan, there are numerous gossips spread caused by the aunties who gossip a lot. My mom is anxious that we will have a rumour spread as well when the relatives learn about the Taehyung and me.

"Y/n dear, why don't you go and check up on Tae? Maybe he will respond when he knows it's you," Tae's mother says gently.

I hesitantly look towards my mother standing further away, observing the situation before she looks towards me as well. As our eyes lock, I can tell she doesn't want me to go there alone to see Taehyung. She is anxious for us to have another intense moment. I look at her with hope reflecting my eyes and see her hesitantly nod.

I walk towards her and whisper, "don't worry, I'll be careful," before heading towards Taehyung's room.


I walk towards the door of the room he and Yoongi share. Yoongi is most likely sleeping. He received a mustard oil hair massage and instantly fell asleep during that because of how calming it was. I recall my grandmother cooing at the sleeping man who looked like a cat purring like it was receiving pets while still massaging his hair. I am sure he will ask my grandmother for at least twenty more massages before we leave this village.

I knock on the door hesitantly, feeling my heart beat faster from the nervousness. After knocking three times, Taehyung answers, "who is it?".

I instantly start shuttering, "It's me, Y/n. Everyone's worried; are you okay?". 

I then hear the sound of the door unlocking and Taehyung quickly pulls me inside as soon as the door is wide enough. He shuts the door gently to avoid any attention and locks it. He then pulls me and quickly pushes me against the door. He then grabs both of my hands roughly and holds them above me with one of his hands to avoid me from escaping. 


Thank you for reading!! Please vote and follow! Always feel free to leave any feedback in the comments section below! Plus, Happy BTS Aniversary!! I love you BTS so much! You undeniably are my reason to smile and laugh. May God bless you with more successful years filled with happiness and joy.

BTS, always remember that the Army will exist till this earth exists. Even if you stop making music, you will never be forgotten. You shall be known as a legend future generation will hear. You'd be that group of people who would be known as one of the biggest legends known in history so far. Thank you for bringing joy to our lives. May God bring some joy to you as well.

BTS, not all of us were with you from the start, but this is a promise that all of us will be there with you till the very end.



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