Chapter 9

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Bonjour everyone! I just wanted to take this time and thank all of the viewers who are still reading my fanfiction. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. This is the first ff or any story that I have ever written so thanks a lot for still reading it. I deeply apologize for any grammar mistakes you have read in my chapters, I am still new in English (I learned English myself) so there might be some grammar mistakes. Anyways, thank you again for reading this. 

Let me know what kind of BTS fanfiction would you like to read after I finish this one, I would be more than glad to have suggestions.


Y/n's P.O.V:

Currently, it is nine pm as I am busy packing for my flight to Lahore with Tae and his members. Apparently, our parents already went there way before we had even booked our flights for the wedding preparations. Desi weddings usually take way longer to plan than anything. I am sure that for this wedding, there will be more than at least five hundred guests. 

Unexpectedly, I receive a text from Taehyung while as I am still packing. I am sure that he and his members are also busy preparing for tomorrow's flight. I still did not have the chance to meet his members because for the past few days, they have been busy finishing off their promotions of the album which they released recently. 

I grab my phone which was laying on my bed while I was packing and check the message that I received from him.

"Hey, are you done packing? I just finished doing mine. The other members are already eager to meet you. Everyone over here is really thrilled for tomorrow. Especially, Jin can't wait to try the food there," he texted.

"I am almost done. There are just too many things that I need to pack. I need to make sure that my carry bag is ready with all of the things I will need," I text back with a sigh.

I continue to pack while I wait for him to read my message and reply. "Ah, I see. Are you sure that the members are going to have fun there? We have never been to a country like Pakistan before, so I am afraid of the member's reaction. I heard that the place where we are going to have the receptions is in a small village and there is a high chance for us not having any wifi or electricity," he texts and I can feel his nervousness.  

"Who told you that? I mean you are right, but who told you? I don't remember telling you that," I text as I am confused. 

"Your mom somehow found my number and warned me about the challenges that we might face," he texts and chuckle out of frustration because of my mom. 

"Well, you heard right. However, there will be places for you to find wifi. It is just the village where you might have some difficulty to find wifi or electricity, but it is not that bad as it sounds like. In Lahore, I am sure that you will find wifi easily. Additionally, you guys can take this opportunity to enjoy a simple life where you are not stressing your minds with technology. I am sure that this will be a way for you guys to simply enjoy a culture more," I reply. 

"True, it is not me who is going to have a hard time adapting with the new environment. It is the other members who will have a harder time. They are not used to stay without wifi at all. Trust me," he replies and it causes me to let out a chuckle. 

"I am sure that they will be so busy that they won't even have time to complain". "Haha". "That's because we will be so busy with shopping and meeting all of my relatives which are more than hundred and each of them will invite us for dinner so I am sure that they will simply pass out in their hotel rooms once they arrive back," I text while chuckling. 

"Can I call you? I am guessing that it is hard for you to stop packing to reply to me. I'll call you so that you can simply talk while packing," he texts.

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