Chapter 19

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"Why are you running like someone is going to murder you? And why did you wake up so late? Go and quickly eat your breakfast before the stylist arrives to get you ready for the engagement ceremony " my mom asks as she notices my breathing has calmed down.

I raise my face towards her and notice her staring at me with a judging look. Her intense gaze could easily to make anyone drop to their knees and beg for forgiveness. I turn my gaze around the room and see everyone weirdly looking at me.

I awkwardly greet them good morning with a  fake smile before turning around and walking towards the kitchen. I breathe deeply, trying to remove the awkward moment from my head and start to walk a little faster. 

 I feel someone shut the door and lock it as I enter the kitchen. The echo of the door locking fills the kitchen that leaves me bewildered. I turn around my body to face the person who caused this sound in the kitchen.

Before me stands the handsome man I will be getting engaged to today. He smiles as he notices my attentions towards him and walks towards me. He is wearing a maroon shirt tucked nicely in his black jeans along with a black belt around his waist. He is wearing his black beanie as he is the type of person who seeks a comfortable fashion.

"Hey," I greet him as he is now in front of me. A warm smile lifts his face and he keeps his stare on me. He greets back as he is still standing in front of me, not moving an inch. I nervously laugh before turning around and start making breakfast for myself.


I fall on my bed with a sigh as the engagement ceremony has also ended. These past days have been hectic, especially for the seven lads who are not even familiar with this culture. I am quite shocked that they managed to not whine about the food or clothes they received.

For the past days, they have been quite comfortable with the environment in which they were. However, they occasionally groaned out of frustration because of the lack of electricity. 

Not liking the idea of not having electricity or wifi, they always busied themselves by playing with the kids. Quite a few of the families often visited us since we are the wedding couple. 

I feel myself slowing falling asleep as I am too tired to be awake any longer. The past few days have been hectic for me as well because of the lack of sleep I got. 


Please read this!!

I apologize that this chapter is short. 

I am planning to make the next chapter last and long. I apologize if this ff was worse than you were expecting. I hope you understand that this was my first ever ff. Therefore, this wasn't the best. 

Thank you so much to accompany me on this new journey I began about writing FFS. I still have so much to learn and thank you for being patient with me. If you truly liked this concept of the ff then maybe in the future when I am much better at writing fanfiction, I may make a remake of this. Let me know your thoughts about this in the comment section : )

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