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"What are you doing?" I shutter out. I try and get out of his strong grip, but that only made his grip harder. I nervously warn him about us getting caught, but that didn't affect him at all. His intense gaze gives me goosebumps as he is now close-dangerously close. His intimate gaze stays on me as he slowly moves his face closer. I watch while breathing heavily as his face gets closer to my neck. I hope he does not do what I think he is trying to do.

My breath hitches as I feel his warm breath on my neck. His warm breath grazes over my neck, sending chills all over my body. I feel myself start to shiver under his gaze. I feel myself losing energy as I feel his warmth from our bodies pressed against each other.

Feeling his warmth, I didn't realize when I started leaning into him. My heart rate increases as I feel myself leaning into him, slowly inhaling his scent and feeling his warmth. 

I nuzzle my face into his neck, inhaling his floral scent. He responds by slowly snaking his arm around my delicate waist, trying to feel the warmth of my skin through the clothes. 

He senses my satisfaction of this moment as he loosens his grip around my arms still above my head and lets them go. I hum, sniffing his fragrance as I wrap my arms around his neck. I move my head further towards his neck as my lips are now slightly brushing over his skin.

He smiles and wraps his other arm around my waist as well; not forgetting to feel the covered skin.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" He asks gently, his face still buried in my neck. His lips brush over my neck as he softly speaks. 

He speaks as if he is trying not to make me nervous or scared. His voice holds more curiosity than anger. I still become tense as I don't know how to respond.

He senses my suddenly tense body and moves his face out of my neck. He nervously meets my eyes as he is anxious to hear the answer he is doesn't want to hear. His eyes tell me that he is blaming himself for my behaviour towards him. I notice him struggling to keep eye contact. 

Wow. He sure is feeling guilty. I find guilt and nervousness spread across his face.

"Did I do something wrong?" he nervously asks as he maintains the eye contact. 

I would've cooed aloud if I wasn't very stiff right now.

"Don't worry," I gently say as I pull him in for another hug.

He instantly responds and wraps his arms around me. "It's the tradition and culture that caused me to avoid you."

He does not say anything as I know he was not expecting that answer. "Remember the car? In tradition, we are not supposed to touch each other like this until we get married. My mother is aware of the little moment in the car and asked me to avoid having any contact with you. We can not have physical contacts before the wedding is officially over and I was not sure how to explain that to you".

I feel him nod while his face is still buried deep in my neck. He inhales my scent one more time before releasing himself from my embrace. I instantly miss the warmth I was receiving. He smiles as he moves a little away from me, obeying what I said about the traditions. 

"I mean, we could follow the traditions after some hugs," I say while showing my pleading puppy eyes to him. He laughs before running towards me and embracing me with his warmth. I am now against the wall again while he is busy burying his face in my neck. I let out a slight giggle as his nose tickles me.

"Y/n! Can you take your little cousin to the washroom? He pissed in his pants! He urine is all over the floor. Guests will be visiting soon. I don't want them to smell pee when they come in!" My mom yells from the hallway, trying to find me.

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