Chapter 3

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 Anyway, Enjoy the story! and don't forget to vote and follow   ; )

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" you're telling me that you're "might" marry someone?" Ajar asks me, surprised at the sudden information given to her. I am able to identify the surprise and the excitement in her chocolate, brown eyes. Her almond eyes widening, showing additional emotions far from my ability to identify.

I invited Ajar over to my house for dinner and a sleepover. We often have sleepovers, since both of us live alone. I did wish to live with her however that was going to be a challenge for both of us. "So..." She starts, wanting to have a conversation while eating. "Yes?". "This fiance of yours, how does he look like? Did your parents at least give you a picture of him? Or at least his name or something similar?" she asks. Now that I think about it, they should have. Why didn't they tell me at least his name? Knowing them, they would have sent me his entire biography and even his health documents unfortunately, they did not. That's weird. Who are they planning to marry me off to?

"No, I have a no idea of who he is," I replied to her after thinking for a moment. "What? Why? Why didn't your parents told you? That's weird,". "It is". 

I sigh, I don't know what I am doing. Yesterday my mom talked to me on Skype, to ask if I agree to marry and I unexpectedly agreed. Why did I agree? I can't seem to believe that I just approved to belong to a stranger. 

"So, now what? When are your parents coming? They were going to tell you about him, right?" she questions. "Yes, they will arrive around three days later. I am excited to meet them, but not as excited as I would've been if they didn't tell me that I am going to belong to someone I don't know who exists". She nods her head, understanding my emotions. 

"I wonder what he is doing right now," she said. "Yeah, and he is probably very clean and pure, according to what my mom said," I said. 

Taehyung's  P.O.V:

"Tae, are you sure about this?" Jungkook asks me. "Yes, I am, now get on and ride" I replied. "What if someone sees us, fans are going get crazy, I don't want any twitter trends about this. We are in public," he said. "Come one, just get on, I promise I will go slowly," I said assuring him. "No, you won't," he said whining. "Just ride!!! I can't wait any longer. I promise I will go slow, OK?" I said. "Fine!! I swear if I become sore after this". He gets on and starts riding. "OK" I replied, almost getting frustrated. "Oh my god, why is it so big?" he questions. He starts going faster. "Yah, slow down" I almost yelled at him. "But, it feels so good," he said whining going even faster while enjoying it.  "Ahh, I am already getting sore," he said. "Of course, you will get sore, you're going too fast for your first time after so long," I replied. "Omg, why is it so hard!!?!?! It is so big that it actually hurts," he said while riding. 

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