Chapter 1

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Hermione's P.O.V

The school year had barely started and the homework was already piled on high. Every night Harry, Ron and I sat by the fire scribbling on our parchments. It was only when my ink was running low I noticed the time. 1:45am! Holy shit! We had been sitting here for 5 hours. As if my body suddenly reacted to the time, I yawned and looked into the blazing fire, it's still lit, I mean we live in a magic world so was so really that surprised? I stood up and saw Harry and Ron look up from their parchment.
"Where you going?" Ron says suspiciously. I rolled my eyes and roll up my work.
"To bed. Its 1:45am and we need to wake up early tomorrow for class. I'll finish in the library at lunch break."
"Finish? We have been here for 5 hours and you still haven't finish?" Harry added astonished. I stare at him, my eyes narrowed and I shake my head confused.
"What have you been doing all this time then?"


The next morning I wake up by the sun shining through the open window. Ginny is shaking my feet at the end of the bed.
"Wake up!" She says shaking me more and more. I shoot up and give her a glare. She let's go of my feet and stands up straight.
"The boys are waiting down stairs for you, we are going to breakfast." Ginny had become my best friend after everything that happened during the battle of Hogwarts . She had gotten close to Harry and I was getting closer and closer to Ron. He was great. But something told me it wasn't right.

I stood up out of bed and chucked on the first thing I saw from my wardrobe which just so happen to be an oversize t- shirt and shorts. Ginny was basically tugging my arm to get me to hurry. When I was finally finished I ran down stairs after Ginny. The common room was empty which made me realize we were really late for breakfast.
"Hurry we're late!" Ron says just confirming my thoughts. He threw his arms around me and we walk out the common room.

We got to the great hall and all the students were chattering away happily. Our usual seats up the end of the table were open so we sat down and immediately, food started popping up onto the plates in front of us. Everything from bacon and eggs to French toast to chocolate chip pancakes and even strawberry and banana covered crepes. I could tell today was going to be a good day.

As if he heard my thoughts and wanted to stomp on them,
"Look at the famous four!" Draco Malfoy snarled. All his friends behind him burst into laughter so obnoxious you just want to slap the smile off their face. Draco grabs my hand and unlatches it from around Ron's neck.
"Ooh, is this the hottest couple of the year everyone's been talking about?" I roll my eyes and turn my head to meet Malfoy's eyes.
"Oh I thought that was you and Pansy? Or is that only a sexual relationship?" I snarled back. His eyes narrow, glaring at me. I felt my whole body get hot. As much as I loved pushing Malfoy's buttons, I knew he wouldn't hesitate to hex me. All of a sudden his mouth twitches and became and slight smile. My eyes grow wide with confusion. Is Malfoy, smiling at me?
"Nice one Granger." He says and struts to the Slytherin table. I slowly turn to the others to see their reactions mirroring mine.
"What the hell just happened?" Ron asked but none of us could answer.


Draco's P.O.V

Pansy sits next to me, well, basically on my lap and starts kissing my neck. I want her to stop, but would she become suspicious? Is she bright enough to even get suspicious? I couldn't stop thinking about what Granger had said. "Oh I thought it was you and Pansy? Or is that only a sexual relationship?" I giggle to myself, I didn't really care that all my friends look to me like I was crazy. Pansy grabbed my face and smashed it against hers. Her lips were hot, they were always weirdly hot. Why? When she finally let go for air, my lips were covered in nude lipstick. I scrub my mouth with the back of my sleeve and she smirks at me. Maybe Granger was right? Was there really anything there between me and Pansy?

Thx for reading! If you like the story please tell me and if you have any ideas for future chapters or other stories I could write please comment. Another chapter should be up soon

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