Chapter 19

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Hermione's P.O.V

"Your late!" Draco says wrapping his hands around me as soon as i walked through the Dorm door.

"Yeah Ginny was holding me up. I'm so sorry!" i say chucking my bag into the bed.


"so tell me more about this tutoring." Ginny says pulling me into out seats. we were late to dinner anyway and i knew if i wanted to be on time to the tutoring itself, i would have to either eat fast or not eat at all. i look over at Draco who was already halfway through a leg of chicken.

"hello?" Ginny says waving and clicking in my face. i snap back into focus.

"I told you everything you needed to know."

"Yeah but like whats happening? when are you doing it? how often?"

"Work, Tonight and i don't know!"

"Your not helping."

"I know."

"But your doing it tonight! that's something isn't it."

"Not really." i reply bluntly shoveling small amount of potatoes onto my plate and stuffing them in my mouth. i would occasionally turn back to see whether Draco had finished. Every time Ginny tried to ask me a question, i would stuff more food into my mouth and not talk. finally i see Draco stand up and walk out the great hall. on his way, he smiles and winks at me turning me pink.

"He's leaving." Ginny says slapping my arm. i sit and wait, watching Ginny go pop eyed.

"what are you doing? he is leaving!"

"yeah i know. I'm waiting so it doesn't seem suspicious." i say taking another swig of my water. Ginny starts blabbering again and i have a feeling she doesn't understand that when i say im waiting, i don't mean very long.

"You should kiss him again."

"EW Ginny!" i say.

"Your two are so cute together."

"what about your boyfriend? he hates him."

"So? you like him so who cares?" Ginny says. she has a point. but lately i didn't care what people thought of me. after the whole Ron thing, i wasn't worried about whether people thought i was a good girl. most people found me annoying and thought i was a teachers pet anyway.

*end of flashback*

"she kept me for like 20 minutes talking about this..."

"wait she knows?" he says. Was i not supposed to say anything?

"I didn't want to tell anyone either but she read the note you wrote to me and thought it was some weird sex thing!" i say trying to hide me embarrassment. he burst out laughing and hugs me again.

"Nah its OK, i don't mind." he says reassuringly. i have a sigh of relief and we get into the work.


it was getting late and Draco and I had been at it for 3 hours. Ginny is totally thinking the wrong thing. But things were getting .... stuff between us. He accidentally placed his hand on top of mine twice now and I swear i saw his face light up. Maybe Ginny was right. Maybe he does like me!

"It's getting late." i say and start packing the books back into the bag.

"I'm glad we got to do this again. But hey, I'm really busy for the next few night with practice for Quittitch and homework so maybe we should make this a weekly thing?" he said. he was so sweet it was almost like he didn't want to offend me.

"That's fine. Maybe Wednesdays?"

"Perfect! Cant wait!" he says grabbing my hand for real this time. my face gets hot and my breathing gets heavy. since when was i nervous around him? his breathing was heavy to and his face was red. his blue eyes shone in the light and glittered. they were so beautiful.

"You look amazing." he whispers seductively. i inhale.

"Not as good as you though." i whisper back, probably letting out horrible breath. He runs his fingers through my hair and walks me out the door. Our faces get close but to no avail. I wanted to kiss him so bad! but alas, the night had come to an end.


About a fortnight had gone by, we had 3 tutoring sessions, 5 in total (he called one just before out charms test), and I was happy to say, he was improving so much. I was so proud.
"Ready for the test?" I say walking up to him in the line outside out the charm class. His hands were shaking and his face was white. Harry stood next to me and Ronald trailed behind, still mopey,
"Nope!" Draco stammers.
"Come on! Your going to ace it! Your doing amazing." I say. Harry gives me a look of straight confusion. Right... they didn't know. I shake it off and turn back to Draco. Professor Flitwick was walking out to get us to go inside. As soon as Draco saw the tiny teacher stride out of the class room, I swear he was about to faint.
"If I fail this, my mum is going to send me home!" Draco whisper into my ear. Ok. Now I'm a little nervous. But I knew that he could ace it.
"Don't worry your going to do great." I say. He sneaks me a kiss on the cheek. It was the kind of kiss no one was supposed to know happened, but everyone saw anyways.
"Good luck!" I mouth from the other side of the room. And the test begins.

Sorry this is kinda short compared to some of my other chapters. Next chapter will be getting really.... tea!!!!!! Dramione stuff coming thenx if you enjoyed, don't forget to vote!!!!

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