Chapter 4

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Ginny's P.O.V
I was so pissed at Ron. All day kids would come up to him asking him if he is ok. He stood there and played the victim saying bullshit like 'yeah it's so hard' and 'I'll be ok' and 'girls can be bullies too!' UUUUUUUHHHH!!! I would watch Harry's face during it all. He was so clearly uncomfortable that I am surprised we continued to walk with him that day. Hermione was no where to be seen after she stormed out of the great hall. Even for lunch she didn't come.
"You are so foul! You know that right?" I say storming into the common room. Harry and Ron were playing s game of wizards chess with the new board I got Harry for his birthday. Ron stands up leaving Harry and the live pieces all by themselves.
"Your my sister your supposed to be on my side!" He spits in my face. Little did he know that I can spit back.
"Actually, I'm on the side of whoever is right in the situation. You are not! And yes I may be your sister but I really wish I wasn't right about now."

I walk up to me dormitory and sit by the window. I felt like my head was on fire. I look out onto Hogwarts grounds. I wonder where hermione is? I looked in the library, not there. I check if she's in a class room, not there. Great hall, not there. Room of requirements, not there. Hagrid's, not there. I even checked in the teacher lounge and she still wasn't there! I gave up.

Draco's P.O.V
I ran through the many halls looking for Granger. I started to slow down to catch my breath when I heard a whimper, coming from the astronomy tower stair case. As I climb the whimper gets louder and louder until I see her. She looks up at me and glares.
"What do u want? Come to call me names and pick on my smarts?"

Hermione's P.O.V
Draco looks down at me, I didn't even care that I looked like a mess in front of him.
"What do you want? Come to call me names and pick on my smarts?" I says and sniff. He sits on the step beside me and gives me a smile. Like a genuinely warm smile.
"What are you doing" I ask. I slide over, giving us a little more space between us.
"Nothing." He says and shakes his head. What is he doing? It's weird!
"But he's not worth it." He tells me. He looks into my eyes and I realize something. This isn't uncomfortable. But the thought of that made me uncomfortable. I quickly shot up and walked as fast as I could away from the astronomy tower. I hear him sigh behind me. I sigh myself.

I roam the halls by myself. Every kid that walks past looks at me and giggles. I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. I wanted s hug but no one was willing to give me one. But I knew who will.

The air hits my face like a truck as I run towards the small hut on the edge of a forest. Hagrid always knew how to make me feel better. I was shocked to my core when I saw Harry and Ginny standing inside the hut, chatting away and laughing. Ron was there I suspect. And no invite. Gee thanks Ginny! I run towards the forest. I knew that it was forbidden and I wasn't supposed to go in there but I didn't care. My life was twisted upside down and maybe a good fright will fix that, like the hiccups. What am I on about? Even on this bright and sunny day, it gets instantly dark when my foot steps into the forest. It was thick and spooky. In the near distance I spotted a large rock that looked as comfortable as any rock and make my way to sit down. The sticks cracked under me and every sound I made echoed. When I made it to the boulder I shrugged out and lay against its side. My life was a mess. I'm a mess and I came back to school to put my life back on track.

Hey thx for reading another chapter of guilty pleasure. Stuff is going to get intense in the next chapter so be prepared. I know this chapter isn't as long as the last one but I just want to spread the content out a little into different chapters to get you guys on your toes... is that the saying? Idfk

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