Chapter 2

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Hermione P.O.V
I didn't know what was wrong with me. I kept thinking about Draco's reaction. He never found anything I said funny. He hated me! Did he? My heart races until Ron slides his fingers through mine.
"Hey babe!" He says smiling. We weren't officially a couple yet, Just kind of a thing. He was nice and I knew him well and I liked him a lot, so what made me so uncomfortable when anything happened 'couple related'.
"Hey, so you finished your homework?"
"Why do you only ever talk about school?" He says. I couldn't tell whether he was laughing or genuinely questioning me. I just smile and squeeze his fingers. Draco's smug face flashed in my head which made my nose twitch and flare.
"Are you sure your ok?" He says grabbing my other hand so we were standing face to face. I just shrug and look at our feet.
"It's just..."
"Malfoy?" He says suspiciously. I nod. I felt guilty. It almost felt like I was cheating on Ron in my brain but 1. I'm not with Ron and 2. I was only thinking about Malfoy.

We walk to the library, Ron and I hand in hand and Harry's arm around Ginny next to us. Malfoy was right (even if he was joking), we are the famous four. I giggle to myself at the thought of Malfoy being right about something for once. Speaking... well thinking of the devil, we walk through the library entrance to see him and his posse sitting behind him. I don't know why they follow him everywhere. He watched us walk in and I couldn't tell whether I felt powerful or uncomfortable. But whatever it was, I didn't mind it. He scoffs and turns to his friends. Ron looks down at me and I look up at him. Our eyes meet. They were a chocolate shade of brown that made me feel quite hungry. I look away suddenly.
"What up?" He says sweetly concerned.
"I'm craving chocolate!"


The night fell upon us and the icy breeze flew through the window that was still open. Ron sat on my bed and looked around the dormitory as if he had never been in one before. I sit beside him and his hands touch my thigh. Shivers crawl down my spine like spiders dancing. My neck gets tense but I was to polite to crack it. I look into his eyes but they weren't looking into mine. They were glancing up and down from my eyes to my lips. He was going to kiss me. My eyes grew wide. This wasn't our first kiss but it was our first second kiss. Was I ready for this? I mean, he certainly was when he leaned into me, his eyes flickering shut. I close my eyes and suddenly it happens. His lips touch mine. I expected to get a tingling feeling of joy but... it never came. This wasn't like last time...

Draco's P.O.V
It was getting darker in the common room and everybody seemed to be piling out to get to bed early. I didn't care. I had a free day tomorrow to do whatever I wanted and I was going to stay up late. I sound like a 10 year old boy but I didn't care. I sat next to the green fire place that got warmer and warmer as the dungeons got colder and colder. The boys were gathered around the sofas next to me, reading, writing or picking dinner from out of their teeth, charming. The fire flickers. Blaise was watching me. I don't think he knew I knew but I saw out the corner of my eye. I turn my head and catch him in the act.
"What are you doing?" I say
"What are you doing?" He says mockingly. I roll my eyes and look back at the bright green fire that grew more ferocious.
"Draco Malfoy, thinking?" He says in a sarcastic shocked voice I only knew to well. "Since when?"
"Since always. I'm not that stupid!" I say spitting. I wipe the drool from the top of my lip when Pansy walks through the door.
"That was hot." She says. She walks over slowly. All the boys around my turn their heads with their mouths wide open. Why guys fell for her so much, I would never know. She slowly sits into my lap, staring at my seductively the whole time. She turns her head to the side and closes her eyes, leaning in for a kiss. Our lips touch and she jams her tongue in my mouth before I could even kiss her back.
"Malfoy" she said through my lips and I release. I look at her in awe as she winks at me. We had a lot of moments like that and I wasn't sure I likes it exactly.
"Let's go to bed." She whispers in my ear seductively and bites her lip.
"I was actually gonna stay up all night with the boys..." but she had already grabbed my hand and was pulling me to my dormitory.

She pushed me in and I fall onto the bed. Pansy slams the door behind us and crawls on me like a tiger. I back away which I'm pretty sure she thinks is a game but it's actually me trying to avoid this. "Or is it only a sexual relationship?" Replayed through my head like a video stuck on loop. Pansy jumps on me and tries to rip my shirt off. When she fails, I undo it button by button. It falls on the floor and I lie down.
"Let's not go all the way tonight"

Thx for reading the next chapter. I promise Dramione stuff will be coming very shortly! If you enjoyed please like and tell me what you think I should do next?

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