Chapter 6

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Hermione P.O.V

Breakfast went quick that day. Me and Ginny sat on the other side of the table to Ron and Lavender could snog. I swear neither of them ate anything that morning except for each others tongues. Across the room I saw 6 empty seats at the Slytherin tables and before I knew it Malfoy and his posse were behind Harry and Ron. But something was different. Malfoy was not leading the pack. He was standing behind Crabbe who was talking to Pansy about 'using your wand correctly'. I look at Malfoy, expecting a rash comment about Ron and Lavender tongueing each other, which I actually would have enjoyed but it never came. All I saw was his face as pink as fairy floss. He looked at me and I couldn't see the nasty Malfoy I used to know and hate, all I saw as a sad, embarrassed guy. It made my heart sink. The group walks off and I see Ron staring at me, mouth still attached to lavender.
"What were you looking at?" He barks at me. I look over at Ginny who looks as if she's about to snap again.
"I thought you were ignoring me?" He rolls his eyes and leaves the table. Lavender stands up and runs after him.
"That's my cue." Harry says and stands up unwillingly.
"You know you don't have to follow him right?" Ginny grabs his hand and hold it tight. He smiles at her.
"I honestly think he just needs someone to love him. He needs friends and a girl," he rolls his eyes at his own comment. I look at Ginny and we both laugh.
"Don't worry, he will go back to being yours soon enough." Harry walks off back to the common room to get ready for class.
"Yeah but then when you refuse to let him stick his cock in you again he will go tra-la-laring to the first dumb ass willing to take him" ginny snaps as soon as harry leaves ear shot. The question isn't whether he is ready to forgive me but whether I am ready to forgive him. And that's the thing Ron doesn't see. And if he can't see that maybe I don't want to get together with him.

Me and Ginny finish the last bite of our toast and walk to our class. On our way we meet up with Harry, Ron and of corse, pretty princess miss perfect lavender brown. Her headband was off and around Rons wrist which to be honest was kinda cute. The sun was out today which was good because mostly all our classes we were either outside or we had to walk across the yard to get to them. On our way to herbology, we once again bump into Malfoy and his 'friends'.
"Here we go again." Says Ron. Lavender grabs hold of his arm and he hold her hand. I want to gag.
"Aw, you jealous granger?" Pansy said, catching me watching Ron and Lavender.
"What? Jealous of them or you botched boob job?" i say. Ginny has to control herself from laughing and Pansy gives me an evil glare so I sarcastically blow her a kiss. This was usually about the time Malfoy stepped in but to my surprise, he didn't. He just stood there, still pink in the face.
"Ooohhh! Granger getting feisty!" McRoy steps forward and puts his arm around Pansy's shoulder. "At least she has boobs." All the Slytherins behind him laugh and pat him in the back. Complementing him for being a dick. All except 1.

Draco's P.O.V
In front of me stands Potter and his gang. Granger has made her way to the front to say quick fire comebacks to my groups nasty remarks. What should I do? I'm trying to change my image, so what's worse, standing there and doing nothing or punching your friends to stop them from bullying the others . If I do the ladder then I'll just be a hypocrite but if I do the first option I'll just seem like more of a dick then McRoy.
"Yeah but I don't want boobs if it mean I become a bitch!" Hermione snaps back. I smirk a little. I always knew hermione could stand up for herself, but I was just always the other end of the argument. That thought just made me feel like shit.
"Well maybe if you had some you would get some" Pansy says. Her ugly smug face turning in my direction to see my enjoyment. I throw on a fake smile had sarcastically laugh until she turns around. Granger was looking at me with an expression I couldn't read. "What" I mouth and she looks away. What do I do?
"Her love life doesn't concern you Pansy!" Weasley jr steps in. I mean, she kinda had a point.
"No one asked you weasel!" Crabbe spit.
"Yeah go back to your Prince Charming Mr famous Harry Potter!" Pansy squeals with laughter.
"I didn't chose to be famous you know!" Harry pipes up.
"You know I always thought Potter and granger would end up together!" Pansy says. Granger and Potter step back and look at each other in disgust which makes me giggle. I hated the thought of them together but I didn't know why.
"But no matter who Grangers with, she will never let any guy touch her flower" she says mocking Hermione's voice. Anger bubbles in inside me. I can't take it anymore.
"That must have sucked. Your boyfriend dumping you because you could shag." McRoy scoffs. Hermione went red.
"That's not what happened." Weasley jr mumbles but they don't care. I couldn't just stand by and watch.
"I'm surprised he even wanted you!" McRoy steps forward. He practically breathing in her face. Her eyes went glassy and my head was spinning. My breathing quickened and my hands clenched tightly into fists.
"Who would want to root a filthy mudblood like you"
And I snapped.

Cliff hanger... I think
If you like don't forget to vote (not like lol I'm stoopid) I've also got a bunch of Harry Potter meme kind of videos that I've made to if ya wanna see them don't forget to mention in the comments. Cya in chapter 7

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