Chapter 23

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Hermione's P.O.V

the Great hall was noisy as usual. people along the long table chatted about there day and the days to come. we have nothing planned tomorrow since it was Halloween. Ginny and I were going to dress up for a costume party some kids were hosting. Late into the night we would be partying. we didn't know who was coming but hoped for a big turnout.

"So the parties tomorrow, what are you guys doing tonight?" Ron says dropping his fork loudly onto the plate, Ginny jumped a little. we look at each other, trying to figure out how we will get out of this. people weren't supposed to know i was tutoring Malfoy! Ginny was the only one who knew, i think.

"Uh...?" she splutters. Ron looks at Harry with a smug look on his face. curious. "we are just planning. out outfits for tomorrow... yeah" she says. i nod my head but the boys look at us and smile. they both knew we had had our outfits planned since the day we found out about the party. after shoveling a few more spoon fulls of potato in my mouth, the head boy walks up behind me and Ginny.

"Hey!" he says putting one hand on me and Ginny's shoulder. "Just wanted to let you know that the charms test results are back," Ginny looks at me with an evil grin, "and they are pinned up on the wall just outside!" he walks off. my heart started beating faster and my legs went stiff. everything on the table disappeared and pies and cakes an ice creams popped up in their place. i was to nervous to eat, to nervous to talk so instead i just sat there, waiting for the time to pass. before i knew it, the crowd started to disperse, kids went off to bed earlier and the loud talking started to die down.

"Hey." i voice came from behind me making me shot around in surprise. to my surprise, Draco stood over top of my, holding a small dessert plate in his hand. i look over to the Slytherin table were all of his friends watched from a distance. all of the gazed in awe except for Blaise who watched and smiled while stuffing his face with the extra whipped cream left on his plate. i smiled at Draco. "i got you some pie!" he said with a smirk and placed it on the table.

"aw!" Ginny said pressing her hands against her heart.

"I bet you he DID something to it!" Ron says with a growl. i roll my eyes and Draco scooches in next to me.

"not that its any of your business Weaslebee but i didn't. here ill prove it!" he say grabbing the spoon on the side of the plate and taking a bite. "would i really poison myself?" he says. i grab the spoon from him as he gets up off the bench. i wasn't hungry but, Draco gave it to me so the least i could do it eat it.

"Aren't you going to change spoons?" Harry says as i dig into the slice of pumpkin pie.

"Nope!" Ginny says and grabs her own spoon. i look back at Draco. He wasn't there. he wasn't at the Slytherin table either. he was walking towards the door. looking back at me, our eyes meet and then he winks.


i was to nervous to read the results on the wall, so instead i headed straight to the Slytherin common room. when i got there, the portrait was shut tight and that's when i realized, i don't actually know what the code is. so i sat there and waited for someone to come and open it for me. a few times i was tricked into thinking someone was coming because of a few giggles and whispers i heard from around the corners. finally, a 5th year came to a stop at the painting. she looked at me, eagle eyed. i tried to act like i was supposed to be there but the bright red on my robes gave me away just a tad.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I forgot the code." i say, again the giggles come from around the corner. what was that?

"Your not in this house! why are you really here?"

"I need to get in. I'm meeting a friend." she stops and looks at me for a few seconds more before opening the portrait.

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