Chapter 21

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Draco P.O.V

I was stressed out about the new test results coming in a few days. And the next tutoring lesson wasn't for about a week. I need to chill out and even though Hogwarts was so totally my home, I felt safe only in a few places. One of which is very new to me but has already left a great impression. As the halls get darker and everyone hurried into there common rooms, I'm reminded of everything that has happened. Everything that made us fear these halls during the time I have been attending Hogwarts, and everything that makes it so safe now. No one bothers to stop me while I walk towards the large entrance door. It freaked loudly as I pushed it open.
"Mr Malloy...!?" A voice says from behind me
"Professor McGonagal!" I say turning around, halfway out the door.
"Where are you off too?" She says. Her night gown is a lavender shade. Her hair is tied messily into a side braid and her feet are concealed.
"Going to see Hagrid. I have a Care of Magical Creatures question." I say. It was the first thing that popped into my head. I didn't know whether she would believe me but I hoped for the best.
"Mmmmm.....ok but don't be late!" She says walking away. I sigh with a grateful smile. Is she starting to trust me? I guess anything is possible this year.

The tall grass brushed against my legs. The forest in the distance was slowly swaying in the dim moonlight. I could hear the wind whistle from tree to tree, leave to leave. I swoosh past Hagrids hut and into the vast forest. Never in a million years would I have imagined myself willingly wandering into the forbidden forest... for fun but once again. Anything is possible.

Hermione P.O.V

"Ms Granger," Professor McGonagal says as I walked past her.
"Professor?" I reply, not sure of whether or not I should be concerned. But instead of telling me off for heading in the complete wrong direction to the Gryffindor Common Room, I don't think I should be. The door was cracked open the slightest bit when I got to it. Like it had been places shut rather then completely shut. I squeak it open and push myself through the small gap I gave myself. The wind blew soft against my face. My hair flew behind me like a kite. The trees rustled in the distance and the darkness of the forest didn't seem as scary as it used to. The forest was my place. My safe place. I could stay there forever and just think. I needed to think about things. What's happening with Draco and whether he likes me back. If I like him and he doesn't like me what will I do? Is he only doing this to get back at Pansy? Like I said, I just need to think. As the whistle of the trees rung my ears quietly, I stepped into the woods. The last light of the moon shone through the small gaps in the trees, as if it was the lighting of a disco ball. no one knew about this place except for Draco himself but i doubt that he would come in here. the last time i was in here, i stayed the night with him. that had to mean something right? we had the talk! i learnt about his family and he learnt about mine. that HAD to mean something right? we faced our fears through talking, we talked about our deepest darkest struggles in life, things i haven't even told Ginny! THAT HAD TO MEAN SOMETHING RIGHT?

the rock came into view. i was dumbfounded to see another silhouette sitting atop the great stone. someone had found my special place. His Bright blonde hair glimmered in the light. 

"Oh! its just you!" i sighed as i realized who it was. Draco spun around to see my face. i didn't know whether i was imagining it but i swear i saw his eyes light up. 

"You don't have to sound so disappointed." he giggles. i wanted to be alone, but this, this is so much better. i place myself down next to him on the rock. its cold on my ass and makes me jump a little. he smiles at me. i smile back. i cherished these times with him because the pit of my stomach told me they wouldn't last forever. oh how i wish they were wrong. 

"You know," he started, "people say the best kinds of relationships are the ones with communication. but i think what relationships need is 2 people, just looking at each other." 

"then that's what we shall do." i say. he smiles at me. there we sit, and sit for a while. just taking in each others presence. that is until he spoke. 



"can i tell you something?" 


"thank you." he says. his voice is warm and makes me tear up a little.

"what for?"

"just everything." he smiles. his smile is so beautiful it makes me want to melt into a puddle. he makes me feel this way. a way i haven't felt in a long time. 

"you know, through all my life here, i didn't think that a smile like that was something Draco Malfoy could do."

"Neither did I." he says. we shuffles in closer to me and my heart speeds up. his face looks uncertain but i knew the things i wanted. but first i needed to ask something... 

"Where are we?" 

"In the forest." he says booping my nose. i squint my eyes and laugh. as soon as i stop, he understands what im actually asking. "oh." 

"i like you Draco,"

"i like you too Hermione." 

"and who cares what other people think?" 

"the only opinion you should care about is your own!"

"exactly!" i say. why did i have to say that? know its just awkward! STUPID HERMIONE! "but are we anything?" i say. i was so scared i thought my body would jump out of my skin and run as fast as it could. but instead of running, he smiled. 

"i don't know. but whatever we are. i hope its with you." he leans in for a kiss. how could i say no? we smile into each others lips. nothing is right until it is and i knew this was right. when he let go for air, he opened his eyes, i opened mine. the thing i loved most about relationships is being in the moment, the right moment and every moment with him was the right moment. he liked me! he liked me back! 

"so does that mean we are a thing?" i say. he giggles and threads his fingers through mine. 

"i dunno Granger. Are you ok with being mine?"

"Any hour of any day! 

ok so amazing news. so the last chapter i posted and said we had 779 views. it went up to 979 in 1 night!!!! and then the next day we were on 1k!!!!!!! and also we went up to 17th on the ranking. i am so happy and so proud of everything. thanks for reading this chapter. if you like it then make sure you vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💖

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