Chapter 17

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Hermione's P.O.V - "he wasn't breathing"

He lay there motionless. His chest wan't moving. He wasn't breathing. My heart throbbed. I look up at the monster that is Ronald Weasley. everything around my goes black and then...

i wake up in my bed, dripping with sweat. Ginny is shaking me furiously screaming,

"HERMIONE! HERMIONE! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" i couldn't reply, in fact i couldn't even speak. i just gasped for air. i jump out of bed and sprung into Ginny's arms. she gasps as my wet body hit hers.

"sorry." i gulp, my voice was raspy and croaky.

"Were you having a nightmare?" he says releasing me and sitting me back down on the bed. i nodded my head and she giggled a little.

"bit out of breath there? what was it about?"

"It was with Ron and Harry and you and Draco,"

"DRACO?! you had your first dream about Draco?" she interrupts excited.

"yes but it wasn't a good dream," he excitement stops, "we were walking down the hall and Ron was mad and hit you and harry and fought Draco and then he died... DRACO!" her eyes go wide. i stand up and quickly run out of the bedroom. she bolts after me, bombarding with questions, i was only wearing a t-shirt and undies as i run down the stairs into the packed common room. half the room laughs at my ridiculousness and the other room stands there in shock. i ignore it all and run as fast as my little legs can carry me. out of the painting and down the halls. people jump out of my way as i sprint to the staircase i had visited last night.

"Where are we going?" Ginny cries out of breath from behind me. i couldn't answer. down the slim staircase and through the chilly hall i finally come to a screeching Holt.

"wow!" Ginny pants for air as she emerges from behind me. the large snake painting was already opened and i didn't wait before leaping through. Horrified, Ginny climbs in after me, grabbing my hand as i try to walk off.

"Is this the slytherien common room?" she says shocked.

"yes now lets go!" i say before snatching my arm back from her and running towards the familiar hall.

"but how do you know where it is?" "why are we here?" "whats going on?" she asked me. i try to retrace my steps from the night before. i stare at my feet and count in my head before, *BANG*.

"Hey!" a voice says above me. i had crashed into someone. Ginny laughs from behind me and i instantly beg for forgiveness and express my sorrow. i hadn't even looked up before they started laughing too. it was Draco!

"DRACO!" I scream and throw my arms around his chest. "Your alive!" i could barely speak i was so happy.

"I mean yeah, it was only a little bump." he replies putting his hands around me as well.

"Wait is this about your dream?" Ginny starts laughing harder. I tried to roll my eyes but tears would come running down if i did so instead i just close my eyes tightly.

"what dream?" Draco says holding me even tighter. He swung me back and forth.

"You and Ronald got into a fight and he punched you and you died but your alive and your ok and it was just a dream,"

"hold on a second," he lets go. oh no.

"what?" i gulp. this is bad. his face was half way between annoyed and offended.

"i could totally take Weasel, why did I die?" he jokes. i roll my eyes for real and wrap my arms back around him. there we stay for a moment. i quiet and cute moment. i could even hear Ginny's occasional "aw" in the background. just then, a half naked, hungover Blaise burst through the door and into the hall, crashing into every wall on the way out.
"Woah! What's going on here?" He says rubbing his eyes trying to adjust he the lighting. When he could finally see me he said,
"Hey, hey, hey! This isn't your common room!"
"I know I was just seeing Draco." I pull way from him.
"How did you even know where this was?"
"I followed some 3rd years."
"And how did you know the password?"
"I didn't. The painting was already opened." I say. He finally stops and looks at Draco. Draco is smiling wickedly but Blaise just shrugged his shoulders and walked back into the bedroom.

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