Chapter 38

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Hermione's P.O.V

I watch him stare at me. His face was pale and I could imagine mine was too. I was dreading his next words.

"Uh... Hermione...I love you." He says. I couldn't speak. I was so dumbfounded I was just standing there, staring at him. He gulped. The tension in the air was so concentrated that I felt like I was chocking. I just scoffed as if it was a joke and turned back around. "So your just going to ignore me?" He says all snappy. I could tell there was disappointment in his voice.

"Well what do you want me to say." I say even snappier. I spun around to his surprise.

"I don't know...? I love you too?" He says quietly. I scoff again.

"Why would I say that? I don't love you!" I was a little harsh but what else was I to say? He looks shocked and hurt but what did he really expect? For me to fall to my knees begging him to take me back? No!

"I mean why wouldn't you love me?" He says. He sounds like such a douche!

"Ew! I mean first of all you slept with another girl, called me endless amount of names and pushed me off s moving staircase!"

"Yeah but that's all in the past..."

"You tried to kill me boyfriend today"

"I thought we got over that."

"Why would I get over that!" He twirls his foot into the ground. He just doesn't talk. I wanted to walk off but half of me wanted to see what would happen if I pursued this.

"Wait... what do you mean by boyfriend?" I instantly regret my decision to stay. This is so stupid. My jaw drops to the ground.

"What do you mean what do I mean?"

"Well draco said it before and you said it just then. I thought you guys were just trying to make me jealous."

"No Ronald, that's what you were doing!"

"Well even so, people were saying your just a fling."

"I don't need to explain this to you." I turn to walk away but he continues to do this.

"Then why don't you love me!"

"Ron?!" i ask. this should be obvious.

"like i am a good person." 


"like seriously why dont you love me...?"

"BECAUSE I LOVE SOMEONE ELSE!" everything went silent. even the wind seemed to stop blowing. he looked as dumbfounded as i felt. did i really just say that? i stayed completely still, hoping he hadn't heard it. he would have considering i screamed it. in my head, i was face palming hard. 

"You him? i thought it was just a fling!" 

"First of all no its not and second of all even if it was, people can still fall in love with a fling! we were just a fling and apparently you love me." he goes silent again. all i could do was run. i ran up to the Gryffindor common room and into my dorm. Ginny just watched as i fell flat of my bed and screamed into my pillow. 

"ok what happened? what did Ron do?" she says in a bored sought of way. i was surprised. basically all of my problems were about Ron so why would this one not be? 

"He came up to me when i was going to Hagrids,"

"i think you just need to stop going to Hagrids!" she says as if going was a curse, probably was. 

"and he confessed his love for me!" 

"Your joking!" she says. throwing her book in the air and giving me 100% attention. i flinched when i saw the book hit the floor. 

Guilty pleasure // a Dramione storyWhere stories live. Discover now