Chapter 49

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Ron's P.O.V

She had been talking about him for the past half an hour. Talking about some guy she met up with last night with Ginny but wasn't allowed to tell me who. She was talking about his reactions with her, talking about his pushing and shoving, talking about his looks and now 'someone that pretty, i would have noticed him already!'. it was giving me a head ache. She was supposed to love me! but even when completely being erased of his memory, she still only ever thinks and talks about him. I guess, and I hate saying this but Ginny was right. I didn't like knowing that the girl I love, doesn't actually love me back. And as much as this was meant to protect her, it wasn't right. They needed to be together or else the world would just be wrong.

"He seemed to sad every time i walked in the room though and it..."

"Hermione?" i say stopping her suddenly. she smiles in my direction. we were sitting by the window in my bedroom. "I think we need to talk." her face drops. she knew where this was going. any time someone said that, there's only one way it could really go, down!

"Yes?" she says hesitantly with a gulp. I sigh. your doing the right thing! I tell myself but my heart still ached for her affection a knew I would never get in return.

Hermione P.O.V

did that really just happen? i slam the door to my dorm and sit by my own window. why would he do that? i thought he loved me! the worst part is, he didn't even give me a reason. he just told me "the worst part of hurting someone is not being able to tell them why."

To my surprise, I wasn't crying. i didn't want to smash his face in or get him back in any way. i was more just confused. why was everyone so jumpy recently? why did it feel as if people were hiding things from me? why was conversation so awkward between the group? why did everyone keep telling me the thing about hurting people? it seems so random yet so specific. the rest of the dorm girls come in, including Ginny. giggling and laughing to whatever they were talking about in the common room.

"Oh, hey Mione!" Chloe bursts in. they all read the smile on my face and sit next to me quickly.

"Whats wrong?" Mia says. i giggle myself.

"Surprisingly nothing!" i say with another smile. they all look at each other, concerned and slightly unconvinced. "Seriously, I'm fine. something just happened with me and Ron that's all. so if you don't mind, I am going for a walk." they all watch in awe as i get up and leave.

"Ok but if you need to talk we are always here!" Mia calls out to me as i walk out the door.

"Talk later!" Ginny says and i hear the door close.

Draco's P.O.V

I had about 14 new posters up on my walls, Blaise followed me around like a puppy to its owner as a slumped around the halls, I couldn't bare to look at Hermione, especially when she is with everyone else. She just seems so happy without me and even though that was the plan, for her to forget about me and live a safer life, it still kind of hurts knowing that she isn't the littlest bit upset. She is all over Ronald which just makes me want to die. Like the other day when she said something about him not having anything to be jealous of, and that she was all his! Speaking of the devil, I turn to see Weasel running in my direction. He was calling for someone, I wasn't sure whether it was me or what but I didn't care.

"Hey! Draco!"

"What do you want Weasel?" i say bluntly. it probably wasn't bluntly though, it was probably way harsh.

"Go into the forest." he says finally catching up and now catching his breath. i roll me eyes.

"What so I can go die in there? Thanks a lot!" as I walk off, he runs back beside me again.

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