Chapter 34

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Ginny's P.O.V

I was sitting in the Slytherin common room. On the biggest sofa, right next to the fireplace. Blaise sat on the other side, staring at me intensely.

"What?" I ask paranoid. He shakes his head as if he had snapped back into focus.

"Sorry. And sorry about your boyfriend." He says. He has said that so many times now. It's hard to say your sick of empathy and sorrow.

"You don't have to keep saying that." I say twirling my hair. He smiles, as if that will take back my annoyment.

"No but like seriously. You and harry were tight? What happened?"

"I don't know. I mean I loved him but sometimes I thought we were to similar, to close."

"What's wrong with that?" He says getting worried. I look at him, eyes narrowing.

"I mean, opposites attract right?" I say defensively. The conversation became a lot more, jittery and defensive.

"I mean it's good to have some things in common though." He says.

"Yeah but when your have everything in common there's so surprises. Like me and you!" His eyes widen. I wasn't sure which way he took it wrong but I'm sure he had.


"You and me have nothing in common." I assure him, he seemed to be sadder by that comment.

"I mean we have some things in common."

"Really? Like what?"

"Like... our best friends are both dating?" He says unsurely.

"Ding ding ding! We are the perfect match!" I kid. He rolls is eyes and laughs.

"But seriously, if you had something I common with someone, you don't think you would be happy?"

"I just feel if people are so similar, there isn't adventure!"

"Well I could give you that!" He scoffs. I giggle and turn hot, probably blushing. Suddenly, an angry Draco comes bursting through the door,

"UGH! I hate everything!" We instantly jump around and turn to listen to his problem.

"What's up buttercup?" Blaise mocks. I try to hold back my laughter.

"I broke up with Hermione."

"WHAT!?" Me and Blaise snap

"Because she kissed Ron!"

"WHAT?!" we were no longer laughing about his pain, infact, I felt a stabbing in my chest.

"I'm just so mad,"

"You have a right to be." Blaise interrupts. I give him a piercing look.

"I'm mad at her for cheating on me. But mad at me for not listening to her story." He says, becoming less mad and more upset.

"Why would you?" Blaise says trying to comfort him. I look at him again,

"Your not helping!" I mouth to him. "Draco, do you really believe Hermione would kiss that sleeve of a ma... boy!" He pauses.

"I mean..."

"NO! I know Hermione and I know she would never hurt you! She lov... really really likes you a lot..." I corrected, whoops, "and she hates Ron. Why would she kiss him?"

"But they used to date." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Yes But then he pushed her off the stairs." Everything goes silent. Draco goes white. Blaise just sits back in the seat, looking all embarrassed.

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